spinning at pixkerija

Started by robbygee, August 05, 2009, 12:23:28 CET

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i just bought a spinning rod and a reel for use at pixkerija at night, as i want to catch a nice lizz or sawrella. i have crystal floating minnow yozuri and rapala skitter pop.

which one is best to use at night? and how?

any other comments on lures especially are appreciated.



so last friday we went spinning at pixkerija but no luck my firnd tried also a rod for depth fishing with paternoster size 7 hooks with size 20 line but again no luck but some bites

then i also tried running float feeder line size 20 with extended hook line of 14 and still no bite. we used live bait hniex tal korea.

as for spinning i might be a beginner and that could be the case since i did not even catch a fish.

as for lure i sued crystal minnow (blue with white) and clown (yellow with red)

i just wanted to post the information

now next thursday we will be going at ras hanzir.



same here. I'm a  novice too.

have been going for lizz at different places such as wied iz-zurrieq, pixkerija, sliema (nazzarenu), m'xlokk (near fish farm) and wied ix-xokka (b'bugia).
but no luck at all. havn't tried as hanzir yet.

i don't know what's the problem. maybe the lures, maybe the time of the year boqq ???

Each time, I was there before sunrise (4.00am). I'm using crystal minnows and red head - all 12cm long.

any advice pls?


sihi fittex postijiet ohra, fejn semmejt il lizz bid degree taaa... mux talli jaf x inhi lure imma jaf ukoll x jisimgha l lure...lol

+ min ras hanzir mux ha tieklu
Good season so far.....


Idealment ghall-ispinning fittex postijiet fejn inti tista timxi u ticcaqlaq neghiedu ahna il-kosta bejn zonqor point u ix-Xaghajra jew bejn ix-Xaghajra u Rinella. il-Belt bejn Sant Iermu u Marsamxett, ma jfissirx li dawn huma xi postijiet li taqbad zgur imma iktar ma timxi u tiprova iktar tkabbar ic-cans. Fl-ispinning inhoss li iktar ma tibdel u tiprova iktar titghallem u tigbor esperjenzi. GOOD LUCK  

When spinning try to find places where you can walk along the cost so you can try  to spin in different areas, like for example the strech of coast from Zonqor point to Xaghajra and up to Fort Rinella. Or else from beneath St Elmo up to Marsa mxett. In my humble openion the more you move and the more you change the greater the chance to have a catch and you will gain experiance and learn more too.          
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


For some reason there arent much blue runners (Sawrell) this year and barracudas increase their activity again in october/november.  Try the southern coast of Malta as I havent seen much activity in the North.


mm there are markcam.... i am always managing 2-3 every dive markcam
Good season so far.....


This year I noticed that there is a LOT of bait fish around.  The barracudas are there, but they just follow the lure with apathy lol
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


Quote from: robbygee on August 10, 2009, 09:06:19 CET
then i also tried running float feeder line size 20 with extended hook line of 14 and still no bite. we used live bait hniex tal korea.
Robbygee , When you mentioned that you used hniex tal Korea (worm) was that at night?? Only asking as that type of worm is no use for night fishing. The best worm to use is tal Imperjal (Type of worm) or Tal america (also a type of worm) You should be able to catch something with the 2 types of worm I just mentioned.
Galia 440 outboard 40 Tohatsu


Well, the hniex tal korea is not too bad for night fishing. The ones mentioned are better than the one of tal Korea for sure. There is also another type of hniex, what we call tal Prella. This is a local warm, it sizes between the tal Imperjal and tal korea.. I find it very effectif during the night.


Yes Hniex tal korea infact qlibt al tal imperjal more results imma issa hadt decizjoni li ha nkompli spinning biss alissa ax lanqas mill bahrija il gimgha lanqas messa ma kelli b'tal imperjal u bil klamari u amilt lejl al xejn.

forsi xi hadt jista jtini parir fejn nista immur al spinning mill art jien andi X-RAP, Crystal Minnow u Skitter POP.

Grazzi tal ajnuna


mulett75, these worms tal prella, what are they like and where do you get them from. The reason i am asking is that many years ago i used to use a type of worm that we bought from a place in marsaxlock, they were smooth in appearance (no little legs) and were flourescent at night. I used to catch good sized mingus from pretty bay in birzebbuga, before the freeport was built. I have not been able to find these worms anymore but would love to use them again.
just wish there was carp in malta!


tal-prella jigifieri tal-palella?


Jien ukoll dal ahar bdejt spinning....milli nista nifhem naqra dal forum trid tkun furtunat.

Tfittex fuq l internet isemmhu certu tekniki differenti kif taghmel spinning skond il lure u l hut li qed timira ghalih.  Xi hadd jaf jispjega ghal hut ta Malta?

Tipo, bl spoons u dexter wedge toqod tiskosjha qisek jew idahalha bi speed kostanti? U xi x-rap toqod tmexijha min naha al l ohra jew em xi mod iehor?

Jien xi spnotta nixtieq naqbad imma la naf meta hu zmienha, u laqas kif u fej ezatt irrid naqbadha....S'issa ghadni ma qbadt xej igifieri kollox merhba bih!

Illum Wied iz zurrieq mort u ilbierah Delimara imma xej...hadt naqa kuragg ax il hut iz zajr bed jimxi wara il wedge li tfajt....xej xej xi haga taght kasha il lure....lol

:) Tight lines u j'alla ma ndumux ma naqbdu xi haga....


taqtax qalbek wacko xi darba intellaw mostru ta ax jien ukoll imma kollox bilmod