VHF, Mobile phone or CB Radio

Started by noztheviking, November 20, 2009, 00:24:15 CET

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Hi after reading your post regarding VHF radio over the use of Mobile Phones I was wondering why none of you mentioned CB, (Citizen Band) radio or are you not allowed CBs in Malta,In the UK we have CBs with up to 40 channels of marine band VHF, on them, which you can use if you have taken the VHF competance certificate, This is the best of both worlds because even on 5 watts the CB can reach places that VHF cannot it is also easier to use and does not need all the complicated licences that VHF  require just wondered because when in Malta I have noticed quite a few CB antennas on buildings and on a No of boats and cars, All so are you allowed the use of radio scanners in Malta, Thanks in advance for your help


CB radio's were allowed recently, prior to that it was PMR radios only for personal communication.

However they haven't really caught on and not sure on the legal aspects, use at sea etc.

Scanners are allowed, lots of people use them up near the airport to listen to ATC etc.

The overall legality of things rests with the Malta Communications Authority www.mca.gov.mt


Skip do you happen to know what the CBs that you are allowed over there are Ie, are they the UK 40 channels or the new European CET 40 channels or both, Or have they done the same as over here and invented there own set of individual frequencies, thanks


CB .... that was a craze in malta some 15 years ago ...... i recall a time when everyone had a CB radio for the period of 2 years.

apparentely the internet took over.

we used to communicate with many different countries using our CB radios occasionaly.

i remeber using my CB radio was much more efficient than using VHF
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Blimey 15 years ago Placebo, that must have been on the old AM bands, they were the American frequences and you could get all over the world on 5 watts, we used to talk to a few DXRs in Florida on a regular basis on Sunday mornings, but god help you if you got caught by the DTI, Because they were strictly illegal in the UK, But were ever so good,  worked brill on the boats as well, but the 18 foot antenas were a bit of a give away, still got acouple put away some where, must get them out and have a listen,


No idea what people are using now. had a CB radio in the UK for a bit!