Forum Membership Cards 2010

Started by skip, December 21, 2009, 07:13:01 CET

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I had never a card ...what shall I do?


Quote from: snapper on July 11, 2010, 11:44:55 CET
I had never a card ...what shall I do?

Download and complete the form found here;topic=2473.0;attach=1555

Then email it is sent to every member when they make a membership payment along with a couple of reminders. Unfortunately if our email address is not added to your whitelist it will very often end up in your junk mail box.


Another batch went out in today's mail


nic, mine expires in december..... can i just settle the balance for 2011 from now ?
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


It would be better if this is done towards the end of December as the new Paypal system works on an annual 12 months basis so if you do it from now it would be Sept '10 to Sept '11

The preferred method for membership renewals is either a local cheque payable to Malta Fishing Forum or an Internet Banking Transfer, with Paypal being offered as a last resort for those who don't have access to cheques, Internet Banking or are based abroad.

For all options we need to know your forum username - Cheque (Write on the back), Internet Transfer (Enter in transaction narrative), Paypal (Dedicated input box provided).

If the person is a new member they need to complete the member card application form which can be downloaded from here;topic=2473.0;attach=1633


received mine to day, thk u  Nick.
If I give you a fish I'll be feeding you once, if i'll show you how I caught it I'll be feeding you for ever.


Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.





Received this morning.

Thank you.

Kaptan Jr

Katpan 15ft, Cuddy cabin and powered with twin 50hp TLDI Tohatsu outboard engines



Hi Skip,

Received my membership card this week, thanks and keep it up, well done.
Hope we have many more members join this wonderful forum.



Hi Skip, received mine also, thanks for everything.