Fish species I caught in Australia

Started by twoutes, June 18, 2007, 14:25:16 CET

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RASCALA 24ft. with DF225 hp SUZUKI v6 4 stroke


Yes, l do a little bit of work every now and then. I am self employed so l don't have to ask a boss for leave. I am also semi retired, so it makes it easy to get away when l want. I'm off to Townsville in a few weeks, and hope to hit the creeks for some 'Jacks' and 'Sootey Grunters', and whaterever else l can find. Hope to post some more photos for you to enjoy.
We're here for a good time...Not a long time


hi twoutes, how did the fishing go?? any more photos , by the way super five still not won so have next week to give it another go keeping my fingers crossed maybe i'll join you in semi retirement cause now its 350,000lm that 1,000,000 us$
RASCALA 24ft. with DF225 hp SUZUKI v6 4 stroke


I went out for a spot of Calamari squid fishing yesterday. the bag limit hear is 10 squid peer person, so l took a friend and caught 20 squid. we used 'yozuri Squid Jigs',fishing on kelp beds in 8 meters of water. We tried a range of colours, but they only took green ones this time. Guess l'll be eating alot of calamari rings for a while.

We're here for a good time...Not a long time


even calamari you have a lot more than us. caught only 4 from september till now. it seems that thay dont want to bite


Man will never be able to stop time but he can get very close by freediving.


was tempted to try it for the first time this year but got a new job now so im finding it very hard to find time for any fishing  :'(
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married


Busumark. I don't know about Malta but over here the squid come on the bite really good after they have bred. You can actually see their white egg sacks stuck on the kelp from the surface. Thats when we go out for them. Also it's best to catch them with baits stuck through a long shank with spikes on the bottom. We stick the bait on the shaft tail first so when you jig it it looks like a fleeing fish. THe best bait is ' Tommy Ruff'. 'Yozuri squid jigs come in many colours and some days they are very picky. Hope this information cam improve your catch. Good Luck
We're here for a good time...Not a long time


twoutes its different here. For one thing u dont have nets closing every creek as we do here. Anything that swims is not given a chance to get close to shore so breading and settling in shallow waters is heavily disturbed. This disrupts the food chain and the results are obvious.
We usually fish in approx 40mts of water and even deeper. Personally i have never caught anything in 8mts. If anyone has please let us know.
Guys dont forget that in Aussie its summer..........


in malta the best time for clamari is supposed to be from november till march but my friend in september caught a lot but now he is catching nothing and he goes everytime the weather is good for the boat. i tried the way you said twoutes with a fish but never caught one like that