MFF ORIS Comp:Participation

Started by skip, May 14, 2010, 18:24:31 CET

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For all of you out there intending on participating in the ORIS Alongi competition, please post your intention here, to enable the organisers to get a general idea on numbers participating.  If you do know of any friends who, although are not members here, but have already shown an interest in participating, they can email their details to

The COMPULSORY meeting for all skippers will be held on the 22nd June 19:30, at Giordanos Bar & Restaurant, Triq is-Sidra, Swieqi. During this meeting skippers must as a minimum register themselves and their vessels. In addition we will give a basic safety briefing, and discuss the rules in more detail if required.  All skippers must attend this meeting; crew are welcome to come along; skippers will be able to pick up their ORIS T-Shirts, Hats, fill in the required registration forms and pay the entry fees.

It is important that when posting your interest to participate, please also indicate location of departure...i.e. North (eg Salina, bugibba, mellieha etc) South Harbour area (Sliema, ta'xbiex/Msida, Valletta, Cottonera, M'scala, M'xlokk, B'Bugia etc)

Maltese Translation.  
Ghal dawk kollha li behsiebhom jiehdu sehem fil-kompettizjoni tal-alongi, importanti tavzaw bl-intenzjoni taghkhom minn issa.  Jekk tafu xi hbieb, li ghalkemm mhumiex membri, jixtiequ jiehdu sehem, allura nixtiequ nkunu nafu bijhom ukoll.  Importanti li tnizlu mill-liema post ser titilqu.  Jekk minn naha ta fuq, xaqliba tal-port il-kbir (ez.  Salina, bugibba, mellieha etc) Naha t-isfel xaqliba port il-kbir (Sliema, ta'xbiex/Msida, Valletta, Cottonera, M'scala, M'xlokk, B'Bugia etc)

In your post please provide the following information:

Member Name/Name of Skipper:
Name of Boat:
Location of Departure: B'Bugia, Cirkewwa/Marfa or Gnejna
Preferred Inspection Checkpoint: B'Bugia, Cirkewwa/Marfa, Gnejna or Marsamxett Pier
Total Number of Crew including Skipper:
T-SHIRT Sizes Required: eg. 1 XXL, 2 L  etc.

Entry Fees – Per Person
Forum VIP Members: €5.00
Forum Premium Members: €8.00
Other Participants: €12.00

Boat Inspection Checkpoints:

Boats will be inspected before the competition start between at the following locations (If you are not checked you cannot compete)
02:00 – 03:15
Marsamxett Pier – Near Valletta Waterpolo Pitch Approx GPS: 35°54'1.47"N  35°54'1.47"N

03:00 – 04:00
B'Bugia – San Gorg Jetty  35°49'48.73"N  14°31'56.64"E

03:45 – 04:15
Marfa Jetty – Approx GPS: 35°59'13.47"N  14°20'40.85"E (Opposite Ramla Bay Hotel Resort)

04:00 – 04:45
Gnejna Bay Jetty – Approx GPS: 35°55'15.32"N   14°20'38.08"E

Proposed Competition Start Time & Locations:

Southern Area 04:30 from the fairway buoy outside the Freeport – this will be the start point for Valletta, Msida boats as well

Marfa Northern Area 1 – 04:30 leaving from Marfa Jetty

Gnejna Northern Area 2 – 05:00 leaving from Gnejna Jetty

Registration Form and Rules are attached to this post, please download and review


Departure: Gnejna
3 members inc skipper
Sizes : L(1) / XL(1) / XXL(1)

Triumph 170cc - Evinrude 75 E-TEC


Fishfinder/ Charlot
Departure : South/Birzebbuga
3 members including Skipper
Sizes: 1 x Medium 1 x large 1 x XL
Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke

Spirit of Jason

Spirit of Jason/Captain Gus
Spirit of Jason
Departure: South Tax'biex
Crew: two members, three non member, including skipper.
Sizes:  1 X 3XL 1 x XXL, 2 x large, 1 x medium


SteveGB / Steve
Deadliest Catch / S-16802
Departure: North (Xemxija)
3 members including skipper
Sizes (to be confirmed)
DEADLIEST CATCH{ --> 18.5 ft Ranieri Soverato powered by 100 hp 4 stroke Yamaha & Yamaha Enduro 8hp


Georga 1
Departure : South/Birzebbuga
Crew: two members, one non member, including skipper.
Sizes (to be confirmed)
Coronett powered by twin Isuzu 2.8


The Gaffer
Departure: South/Msida Marina (Birzebbuga)
Crew: 2 members, 5 non-members, including skipper
Sizes (to be confirmed)
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Benri / Bryan
Shisha - S-17590
North/St. Pauls Bay
xxl, xl, xl, to be confirmed
I'd rather be fishing.....



Triumph 170cc - Evinrude 75 E-TEC


South/ Birzebbuga
2 for now we would like some one with experiance :) First time in all this guys!
xl / xxl


DJS, Guido99, CaptanJr, our members from across the channel, and much much more...where's your name on the list....we need to know the amount of participants since we need to order T-shirts!!....
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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2 members including skipper
1 size large/1 size small
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


MFC 6026
2 members including skipper


Cla144 - Clayton
Departure: South/B'bugia
3 members including skipper
1 medium 2 large