Parking Trailers

Started by kit029, August 01, 2010, 23:23:25 CET

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Hi Guys,
Al li jista jkun awn xi ligi li ma tistax tiparkja it trailer ? ax smajt li il gimgha lohra qalaw ic citazjonijiet min hala it trailer fit triq fejn il moll ta buggiba.fejn ikun hemm hafna trailers iparkjati fil parking spaces.thanks


Il-karrijiet kienu imwahhlin mal vetturi jew le?
Jista jkun ghax ma thallix in-number plate imwahhal mal karru?
Ara min ser ihallih wahdu hemm ehh!!!
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Hazin ta vera !!!! jekk ma tipparkjax hemm fejn ? tmur taht il wardija fl ghelieqi jew!!!! Pero l Imsida hemm tabella e biex ma jipparkjawx trailers.

Triumph 170cc - Evinrude 75 E-TEC


Iva harget ligi gdida li ma tistax thalli it trailers iparkjat wara il karozza. Bugibba u ix xemxija zgur ax il karozzi li kellhom it trailer warajhom kolla kellhom citazjoni il bierah. Ma nafx jekk postijiet ohra hux ukoll hekk imma ha tkun problema al min mandux il garaxx hdejn il bahar.


Wied il ghajn ukoll max xatt ma tistax tiparkja trailers u hemm it tabelli. Allura kullhadd jipparakja jew wara il klabb tal bocci jew f xi triq li m hemmx tabelli. Jekk  m hemmx tabelli mhux sippost taqla citazjonijiet. Kieku jiena indur dawra mat triq l ewwel biex nara jekk hemmx tabelli . Gieli ma tindunax ghax jew ikunu il boghod min xulxin jew inkelli ikun hemm xi friegha tas sigar jghatuwa.

We are not allowed to park trailers at Marsascala front niether but there is signs up also. So everyone parks elswhere either in a street where there is no signs or just next to the bowling club. I would drive up the road where you will be parking to make sure there is no signs along that road. As sometimes you do not see the signs either because they are place too far apart or covered by an overgrown tree.  
Galia 440 outboard 40 Tohatsu


Jista xi hadd jajdilna fejn ha thalli l karru meta tnizzel d dajsa. ara veru ma nifilhux naqaw izjed ac cajt. l ewwel misshom ghamlu post fejn jithallew l karrijit imbad jaghmlu dawn l ligijit. 


i checked with local police station and they confirmed it is illegal!

i can not believe such things ...... it is really becoming weird now
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


issa namlu fil panties il karru  ;D ma hallew lil hadd jihu pjacir. kacca xejn karru xejn mela drogi issa  :P
Albatross 380 powered by 9.9 mercury and 3.5 tohatsu.

Wife : "you shall never fish again"
Husband : "find a lawyer"


mux hekk biss. nohrog al kwiet u nispicca bil helicopter idur fuqi, nohrog mal hbieb u nidhol wahdi x'qed jigri ajd ??? tajba fishfinder ;D u nispicca indahhaq fuq it television u il gazzetti kolla :P
Albatross 380 powered by 9.9 mercury and 3.5 tohatsu.

Wife : "you shall never fish again"
Husband : "find a lawyer"


A Bad Day Fishing still beats a good day at work...


to my knowledge there are no signs depicting trailers can't park. On the other hand why is there a slipway then, if trailers can't be parked in the vicinity!! As everyone knows it is next to impossible to park in the side streets of SPB/Bugibba!


This was a long swear word........... >:(

This government is getting intollerable.......

What can we do!! Nothing as usuall............. Pay pay pay
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Just called at Qawra and St. Paul's Police offices.
The two officers that I spoke to told me that they are not giving any citations. They told me that as long as you do not park on yellow line or if there aren't any no parking signs, then you do nothing wrong, then he added as I did, that there should be the number plate on the trailer all the time. He also told me that he saw traffic officers with motorbikes giving citations....

I am now trying to call Police Headquarters to speak to traffic registry but after half an hour calling I have to give up. That's an impossible task... :-\

Can someone who got this contravention speak!!! and tell us what is written..... The charge!!!!!!!
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


these are probably local council bylaws.its them one should give a call.they have put alot of no parking signs lately which the adt has declared illegal!


Just contacted Mr William Vella at Local Council St Paul's Bay and said that it is not a ByLaw but a new Law from the Police.

Still trying to get the LN number and trying to call police.

Today 3/8/10 at 1:30 at succeeded in contacting Inspector Tonna at Police Depot. He was very helpful in briefly detailing me that this is a law that has been there for ages, but nowadays is being enforced due to the continuous complaints re: parking problems received by residents. No trailor and only vehicles driven by motor can be left parked in the road, if not in places made for this purpose. A boat can only be towed by a motor vehicle, but then the trailor has to be taken back in the garage...

This is ridiculous................................Malta PAJJIZ Tal-MICKEY MOUSE.

There is nothing to do unless you apply for some spaces for trailers with Transport Malta or Local Council. (That is what I was told)

Live happily in Malta...................

Can someone who got this contravention detail the law written in it.....!!
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh