Parking Trailers

Started by kit029, August 01, 2010, 23:23:25 CET

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As usual a totally wrong approach. Rather than first providing a place to leave trailers and then creating and enforcing the law, they simply state no more trailers to be parked on the road and tough luck.

Sadly Transport Malta Marine Section who are now responsible are simply not paying enough attention to the needs of boaters around Malta and Gozo. What amazes me is that they make boat owners pay over the odds: (examples: €100 per year for an average S registered boat UK £25 for 5 years, €50 to get a callsign UK £0, €50 to get an MMSI number UK £0) and so on and so forth. To be honest it's time for everyone involved in the boat industry (dealers, chandlers, mechanics, electricians and all supporting areas and owners) to stand up and voice their viewpoints. The government makes a lot of money through direct and indirect taxation in addition to TM's direct charging of boat owners that due priority should be given to creating things like places to keep your trailer near a slipway.

I think most of us will also agree that aside from there being a total lack of space to keep your boat moored in the water, the majority of the slipways all need to have money spent on them to bring them up to scratch.

(P.S. Sorry for switching to English, perhaps someone can translate)


i did propose to stand up a few months ago but,out of the 1600+ members not even one gave a positive feedback.
us maltese are a bunch of "im allright and f... you jack"!


Unless you can rally all stakeholders together you won't get anywhere Caldaland. Only a small percentage of those 1600+ have boats and from those even less who launch and recover their boat each time during the summer months. Like most things it boils down to being able to dedicate the time and resources to fighting these issues.

Destination Sea

Legal notice 179 states that trailers can be parked as long as they follow the said regulations i.e as for vehicles.When a person was fined at marsascala (there werent the sign at that time) the said person contested the fine at the courts in Valletta and he won. I do not know if the law has been changed but boat trailers have permission (extra no plate etc ) and more over they will not be covered by insurance if the trailer is stolen if it is not fixed to the vehicle. I think its another way of getting ripped off . Boaters are the begining of a new witch hunt and motorist will follow. Marsascala local council started this and when they erected the signs without TM permission they fined LM 30 when LN 179 stated Lm 10 at that time. At that time i took the matter with the mayor, ADT, PL who represents the local council and even I even took the matter with a EU member of parliment at that time based on discrimination against boaters but he came back as this is a national issue. From that day onwards i looked up for a place to moor the boat and boycotted Mscala for good where possible.

How stupid (patata kbar) can they be. Imagine launch leave the boat moored to the peer take the trailer to the garage about 30mins or more drive back.Pier occupied by boats for hours on end. Get back and repeat. The gallows pole should be introduced for these people.Sorry for being hard but i am feed up living in a stupid prison.
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20


it is not only boaters that are going to get it. all amateur fishermen are going to be skinned alive!


this is all absurd and unbelievable. In my opinion it's only a way for more revenue to the government!
I'd rather be fishing.....


ghandikun sar investiment qawwi f moorings u yacht marinas hux...

u ija dik sakemm tghaddi l foga imbad l puluzija jikkalmaw.. l wirdien l aghar....

l ahjar nifthu post ta postijiet fejn tista tvara bla ma taqla citazzjoni....
Good season so far.....


Din l ligi qeda al Malta u Ghawdex kollu jew f dawk l postijit li jidecidi l kunsill ta dak l post u iwahhal t tabelli ?


Jekk jghamlu hekk il Gnejna x jigri tajd?
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


Ma jistax ikun jin nermih ic citazzjoni kiku


Jew inkella toqod tfadalom kolla umbad tmur tinpostahomlom u tahlilom bicca ta ittra tajba mahom


Nahseb li hafna tpacpic kollu ghal xejn.
Min irid jista jibda jahseb x'jista jsir mela hafna bla bla..

Sorry english:
We have to see what to not not speak uselessly.
This is Maltese Law, and therefore is has not limitations to any place or excuse. This was never enforced, and now it is.. No matter what you do, you still have to pay the fee, as you all do when it comes to renewal with your cars.
Like gnejna and some other places there are some parkings available for trailers. We can write to TM or Local Council alltogether to push an issue.

Otherwise keep paying.
I am as frustrated as much as you are guys, I have no pontoon or else!
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Jin man pacpac xej baghira ax il karru hemm han halih mela inkun purcinell ta dan il gvern jew xisejhulu insomma...fej tridni nitfaw tejd nerqu hdej ic chicken?


Nahseb ahjar tiraguna int jew amel li trid kulhadd jamel kif jahseb li lahjar alih bhekk ma ikonnix argumenti


Ma tistax lapsi ghax kif tmur thallas il-licenzja tal-karozza ma jgrduwilekx u maghhom tehel il-multi.
Biex ittella(kunsill lokali) s-signs mat-toroq ma tistax tamilhom minajr prmess tal-ADT.
Li nahse l-ahjar taghmlu dawk li ghandhom dghajsa thallu number plate mal-karru meta tkun ipparkjati ghax jekk ma jkunx hemm in-number jista jwahlilkhom citazjoni u jkollu ragun.