Fancy knowing about all the abc of fishing?

Started by fin, July 17, 2007, 13:38:17 CET

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dear all,

when this topic started off, i was a little out of the picture in this forum during that time, however i am fin and with skip (site creator) we have come up with a few innovitive ideas to start up a sensible, outgoing and most of all adventurous but safe local (and also foreign) fishing community to share, spread and teach all to those who want to fish in general.

Skip and i, specialise in fishing offshore we tend to target fish no less than 10 kgs and hopefully when lucky aim for the much bigger ones.

However we do have a lot of other fishing buddies who can share their experience in other fields.

So hey fancy to know all the ABC's of fishing well this is the site for you and remember no such thing as a stupid question but there is such a thing as a dangerous doubt!


Lets put MALTA on the map with our fishing knowledge.


well since there is no stupied qestions there are 3 i would like to ask

1) any advice in handling a eel (marina) as im always nervous and never had to kill one my self . (the biggest i caught was 2 kg exacly luckly there was some one to help cause i did not have a clue.

2)  the second i feel is kinda silly but bout 2 weeks ago i ended up with a hook through the tip of my finger and had to go to the clinic. Is there any easy way to remove it my self as im sure this will not be the last!

3) any tips on handling a tragna (im sure the spelling is wrong but they sting you hope you know what i mean)
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married


handling a morina - suggest to cut the line and put it in a container. if a big morina bites it will not let loose its prey easily.

clinic - try to avoid such incidents but in the case you end up with a hook in your hand you can cut the other side of the hook (tying part)
a heavy duty cutter is an important tool to have in fishing apart from a small first aid box (esp boat fishing)

tracna - less than 0.5kgs cut the line and let it go. If bigger do the same as handling a morina cut the line from the hook area and put in a safe container. keep in mind that this kid of fish stays poisonous even after it is dead so avoid handling such fish as they sting from 4 different areas (gills and crown sting)

the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


I always carry a pair of good electricians side cutters with me they wil cut through most small hooks as for morina and gringu i put in old ice cooler box as i like tracni for fish soup i use long nose pliers hold in mouth and cut barbs i think is right word out i always keep these items nr when fishing on boat if unsure let it go.


With Tracni I usually play it safe and cut the line about 10 inches from the hook and then drop them into an ice box. Just wondering if anyone has actually been stung by one out to sea. Does it need immediate medical treatment? - this could be kinda difficult if you are a few miles out!

It could be an old fisherman's tale ... but I was told to always keep a flask of hot coffee to hand in the boat which can be poured over a fish sting to delay its effects. I usually end up drinking the coffee by the end of the day anyway but is there any truth in this remedy?   
19 ft Galeon Galia with 140 hp Tohatsu


i dont know how true this is but what i heard is make your pee pee on the sting and it should stop. But beware what i did read on the internet was if you get stung and have a heart defect you could end up dead..... so i will rely on the hospital rather than the pee  ::)
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married


Actually the coffee or better a hot compression pack ( could be a  pebble heated with a cigarette lighter) ,as hot as possible taking care that it does not burn the skin is reported on some internet sites as the best first aid to a tracina sting, since the venom of the tracina is destroyed by the heat. However it is always best to go to the doctor since there could be so many variables ( state of health,wieght vs venom ration ,age , size of fish,etc) that it is best to seek medical advice.

Having learned from a personal experience I remind all children are more vulnerable to these kind of accidents as almost happened to me when I had my son with me and he caught a tracina. Not knowing what it was he would have handled it like any other small fish and he would have been stung had I not lost the fish that I was pulling in ,which was at the moment distracting me from keeping an eye on him.


Thanks for the sound advice guys. I must confess that I never really go out looking to catch a tracna they just seem to pop up unexpectedly every so often when bottom fishing for pagell and burqax. Tend to concur with you Gabaj, it's just not worth risking landing one when children are on the boat. Would like to hear from anyone who has tried out the 'pee-pee' method kempy ... would be the last thing on my mind if I had just been stung !   
19 ft Galeon Galia with 140 hp Tohatsu


how big to the tracna get i only ever caught 3 and were all small?
another qestion one i catch i flying fish (not sure what it is in maltese) it has a very hard back shell and when it takes the hook i can never seem to get it out and always have to cut the line. Does and one know any tricks to get it to open its mouth?
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married


Don't know how to open the mouth, but you can try and show the fish the political headlines of the newspapers belonging to the two main opposing political parties maybe it will gasp in surprise,shake its head so releasing the hook all by itself and the problem is solved.

Re the name if I am not mistaken it is called ''rundunell'' in maltese.


rundunell is the flying fish that you see at the surface. the one you are talking about is called 'bies'. i caught tracni that were 1kg. about 3 weeks a friend of mine caught one very big he said that it must have been more than 2kg but when he was going to net it it got away. the one on the right is a nice tracna


Nice fish Busumark. Never caught one that big ... mine were all less than 0.5kg.
19 ft Galeon Galia with 140 hp Tohatsu


If your out at sea and you saw a group of refugees what would the correct thing to do ?
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married


The correct procedure as dictated by my understanding of maritime law is as follows:

1) On Ch.16 call Malta Radio, Malta Radio, with the name of your vessel and that you are observing suspected irregular immigrants. Malta Radio will then ask you to confirm your position with GPS co-ordinates, make sure to read this slowly and ideally repeat. If you don't have GPS you will need to try and provide bearings and estimated distance from Landmarks, min of two. They will then ask you for a description of the vessel, estimated number of people on board and the status, if they are making way and the direction they are heading.

My Comments: From hearing such transmissions, you will be requested to hold on station in the area and not leave or shadow the vessel. Malta Radio will then contact the nearest Patrol Boat who will probably call you and identify himself as Patrol Boat Pappa 61, 23 etc. He will ask for some more info, ask you to maintain position if possible and should give you a estimated time of arrival.

2) If you don't have a VHF and are in mobile coverage, dial the Patrol Boat Section, or if you don't have the number dial 112 and ask for the Patrol Boat section.

3) If the vessel or its occuptants is in distress you are obliged to provide any and all assistance you can by vectoring towards the vessel in distress and assisting.

My comments: That's fine and dandy if you are a large vessel with a decent size crew but DO NOT come alongside them or you are likely to be swamped by them trying to get on board, thereby overloading your boat or worse still trying to take it. The issue revolves around the term immediate danger. Ie. If someone is drowning or the boat is sinking you would try and throw them flotation devices but as the master of your vessel, it is your responsability to maintin the safety of your vessel and not put yourself in danger too. Very often they are on a 16-20 foot boat and may be packing 20+ people. If you have extra water and they appear to need, throw them some from a resonable distance.

Try and flag down a larger boat to help, but you are NOT permitted to leave the area until instructed to do so. If you don't call in the sighting and are later reported you may be prosecuted.

If you see the vessel under way and there is no clear and present danger to the occupants just report their position and their direction of travel and estimated speed to Malta Radio/Patrol Boat Section and wait for instructions.

Unfortunately when you help out, you become a temp. extension of the Patrol Boat services and have to say on location if the vessel is not making way. This costs you money in fuel and your own time. Most reports come from commercial shipping or fishing vessels who have a job to do and don't like hanging around.



i found the way to open the mouth of the rundunell very easliy hold it vertical with its head facing the ground and the mouth will just pop open .... tried and tested 100 % satisfied

and for next week on myth busters i will be testing the old tale of how to easly stop and ell still while on the ground by putting the ell on some news paper should make the ell unable to move will keep you all informed
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married