Discussion on Marine Protected Areas

Started by baghira, August 30, 2010, 12:25:31 CET

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Quote from: Granitu on August 10, 2011, 13:50:15 CET
Afterall politicians and governmnet always give priority to hobbies having a high economic activity.
With the exception of hunters. The hunting community generates thousands of Euros each year in shotguns, ammunition, accessories, etc. but still the only thing we achieved from the government is a high increase in licence and a crackdown on the hunting days  >:( :-\ :'(
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP

Antonio Anastasi

Quote from: placebo on August 10, 2011, 13:08:15 CET
we can only be frustrated. No one comes and help us when we report illegal net fishing in MSkala, Kalkara, Birzebbuga, St Pauls Bay .... and other areas.
I have been personally on the phone in delicate hours to report such irregularities and sometimes police tend to make fun of you also.

Goverment has no money to spend in fuel and has no boats to patrol, such illegal activities which are being done in early hours or even night hours.

Cirkewwa stand to be different ........ the place generates money so we take care of it and try to impress tourists. this also applies to some other places where you go diving.

Most of the amateur fishing people are very much in favour of conservation.

this forum also have a special number to report illegal fishing but we do not get help. There are also fishing clubs that have been practising catch and release for more than 15 years ..... what do we get?

Placebo. I can understand your frustration. I have spoken to personell in the enforcement section both ALE and AFM and I think they are as frustrated as we are. They cannot be everywhere and they are over stretched and undermanned and under equipped.

The best that you can do is to get organized. Talk to other fishermen and anglers that feel the same way you do and get a wave moving. Put pressure on the government. You represent a lot of votes.

Unfortunately here in Malta, it is in our DNA structure to wait for the government to do something.... NO MORE..now is the time to take the bull by the horn and carry our responsibilities.

Get organized. Photographic and video evidence are acceptable. Just check with the ALE or AFM what is required in way of proof.

I am sure that if we dedicated as much energy to getting organized as we do complaining or pointing fingers we can get, ion the least VOLUNTARY based protection and enforcement in a short time frame.


if you browse this forum you will see evidence. We never got any help ...... I see your point and that is the way I also think but unfortunately we did not get any help. Personally i phoned on several occasions. I recall one time calling the police in birzebbuga they came to the spot shouting for the man on the boat and he did not give any notice and they left the place.
On another time they joked at me saying that there was nothing illegal.
Another time i called directly ALE , i was transferred to Police GHQ in Floriana and then the line dropped after keeping on mobile for around 10 minutes.
We have everything set up on the forum all we need is help from authorities. But it looks like we never going to get it. Just visit fishmarkets, restaurants and you see .... undersized fish everywhere (maybe it stops for a week but then it continues)

Anyway i am PRO for Kingfisher Sport Fishing Association and action from our side all we can do is practice catch and release and teach future kids and members who join all about the fun of sportfishing. At least we are playing our part ... then when maybe the time comes authorities will start thinking different but I am very negative on this thing happening.
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Quote from: malvizzu on August 10, 2011, 17:41:03 CET
Quote from: Granitu on August 10, 2011, 13:50:15 CET
Afterall politicians and governmnet always give priority to hobbies having a high economic activity.
With the exception of hunters. The hunting community generates thousands of Euros each year in shotguns, ammunition, accessories, etc. but still the only thing we achieved from the government is a high increase in licence and a crackdown on the hunting days  >:( :-\ :'(

Malvizzu I have nothing about hunting but hunters abused heavily of their position and targeted birds which are proteced by law. Still more could have been done.

What the fishing community can provide is tourism during peak times. I believe that in order that amateur sport fisherman will ever be considered, the fishing community has to prove the possibility to generate sufficient funds for the government to

Protect the fishing community
Profit... through taxes.... from it... :(
Good season so far.....


Guys. I would like feedback on this issue and if any of you have any contacts, please provide information on relative regulation.

A guy was today fined 200 euro for being found fishing for brieqex near filfla without being anchored. He was told that next time he ill be imprisoned for 3 months, fined 2000 euro and his boat confiscated. He also took the law with him to no avail.

Law states that you cannot moore, anchor, swim or walk on land but does not state that you cannot fish from a boat. SO I am now questioning why was he fined?.. Maybe nobody knows what law states, and they go by assumptions, or another law has been issued that we do not know about, or a notice to mariners? Maybe he should appeal to this decision...
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


This concerns dry land of filfla.
It is specified and if the intention was about the one mile radious, it should be stated since that there is no interpretation.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


See notice to mariners 473 of 1987 which was repealed by govt notice 173 of 1990
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


• GN 473 of 1987 and LN to Mariners 16 of 1987 prohibited the berthing or
navigation of any craft within an area of one nautical mile radius off Filfla.
• Filfla Nature Reserve Act (i.e. Act XV of 1988) which declared Filfla as the only (at
the time) Nature Reserve of the islands, under the aegis of the Secretariat for the
• GN 173 of 1990 subsequently permitted fishing vessels to enter the previously
prohibited area.


True,but we are talking about Malta,the place were laws can be differently interpretated by Tom,Dick and Jerry.


If I am not mistaken, the only fishing legally which is legally permitted near Filfla is surface trolling i.e. no one is allowed to stop, anchor, or do any other types of fishing within an area of 1nm radius off Filfla. Correct me if I'm wrong...
15ft Marino Atom 450 Powered by Tohatsu 30hp 4-stroke Fuel Injection

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That's how I know it Kris, but that's just talk. It's important to know what the law states. I would suggest that those who are members of the federation to ask this question to them. Also your friend should contact mr Roderick Galdes and mr Joe Mizzito clear it up.


Well said shanook.
Forget about what we know of what we heard!!!!!!!!!!!

Please substantiate what you write here by evidence.
We are speaking about laws, and what is legal and what is not...
This is our right.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


4. The killing, capture, collection, trapping, maintaining in
captivity, taxidermy, commercial exploitation, as well as picking
and hunting of any species of flora and fauna in or from the Filfla
nature reserve is prohibited:

Unfortunately, unless the last part is removed or superseeded, then the 1nm radius forms part of the reserve and this makes even surface trolling illegal!  Im no expert but i know how to interpret law. 
Im a newbie so be patient and teach me the way!


Wait for news.
I am in contact with, Fisheries, AFM, MEPA and ALE to come to a reasonable solution or understanding.
Read previously and written you will not find any written evidence about the 1.1 nm radious, but specifically the land of Filfla.
Every law has a set of definitions preceeding, and there is nowhere written that filfla constitutes of land and the surrounding area.

I have also a copy of the contravention issued, and I trying to interpret law to my best knowledge.

Since today I have so many contradicting versions from different individuals, but many of them are just 'kif dak li jkun jahsibha'
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh