Mobile Numbers

Started by skip, July 19, 2007, 22:57:22 CET

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DJS - mobile number 99432162. Moored in Msida usually go out south or north-east. Will start listening in on Channel 6 if it's been pronounced as MFF hailing channel.   
19 ft Galeon Galia with 140 hp Tohatsu


Quote from: The_Gaffer on April 25, 2008, 12:18:28 CET
The official monitoring channel is ch.16, only to be used in case of an emergency. 

Technically 16 is known as the official hailing channel for all vessels, due to the fact that it's also the channel used for emergencies. As all vessels are supposed to monitor Ch.16, so vessels use it to make initial contact and then immediately move to another agreed channel. Land Stations like Malta Radio, VPC etc usually have their own channels as you mentioned.


For what i know channel 16 can only be used on emergencies as it is the mayday/ emergency channel. Last summer we were out at sea and someone used the channel 16 to speak. they were immediatly told not to use channel 16 as it must be used only for emergencies.


If you start having a conversation on Ch. 16 yes you will be told off. You are supposed to hail a vessel on Ch. 16 and as soon as they make positive contact, then say switch to ch. xx

Monitor 16 for a while and you will hear various boats doing the above procedure. It is known as the hailing and distress channel.


QuoteIf I'm not mistaken ch 6 should be used only by the authorities when coordinating rescue operations. I'm not 100% sure as it's been some time that I had the course. Will check and get back.

yesterday I found some time to dig back into the notes we were given when taking the Mcast course - Ch 6 should actually be avoided as it is used in emergency/rescue operations... Suggest we find another channel then!
I'd rather be fishing.....


I am really puzzled about channel 6 as all the fishermen i know use it to communicate on.


True, though doesn't mean it's right! It's probably become a habit!


I sent an email to MMA requesting a list of the working channels in Malta. As soon as I get a reply (if I do) I'll post!
I'd rather be fishing.....


Quote from: benri on May 30, 2008, 08:40:17 CET
I sent an email to MMA requesting a list of the working channels in Malta. As soon as I get a reply (if I do) I'll post!

That would be great benri.  in fact yesterday i opened a new thread requesting a list of channels :)


Ramio, Mob 7970 2496. Boat name CLARA We usually keep Ch 10 as base, but will monitor Ch 6 when fishing. We usually fish south side. Mooring at B'Buga unless you are stuck in St.Pauls bay waiything  to sail to home base.
Can't wait to go fishing


Just to give an update on the VHF channels.... So far I received an acknowlegement from the Technical Specialist (Maritime Communications) within the Malta Communications Authority who informed me that they will give me the necessary information in due course. It looks like we have to wait a bit more!
I'd rather be fishing.....


I received the hereunder from Mr. Alan Cassar within the Mata Communications Authority which is quite interesting. Mr Cassar was very helpful and the links he refers to also contain the info many were looking for.

"Please find hereunder some information regarding VHF radios:

As you may be already aware, the licensing process for VHF radios has
changed. As from 1 January 2008, Government has adopted a General
Authorisation (GA) regime for marine VHF radios installed on board
vessels. Consequently, the licence fee for those vessels having only a VHF
radio installed on board will not need to be paid anymore. The hard copy
licence has also ceased to exist. In last January, we have sent a letter
to each licensee in order to inform them with the applicable changes.

It is very important to remember, that when a boat owner purchase a VHF
radio from a local dealer / from abroad, he/she must get in touch with
this office in order to apply for a Call Sign and an MMSI number, if
applicable. There is a one-time fee of ?55.00 for the assignment of
maritime identities. These identities are being assigned on the condition
that the VHF radio is type-approved by MCA. It is important to note that
if the vessel in question is "Valletta" registered (i.e. with the MMA
Merchant Shipping Directorate), the vessel owner shall contact the MMA on
21250360 to apply for a call sign and/or MMSI number. Until further
notice, the MCA will be responsible to assign maritime identities for
fishing vessels (under 6 metres) and "S" registered vessels. It is always
advised that vessel owners contact the MCA/MMA prior going to apply for an

Please note that those boat owners who are in possession of an MF/HF
transceiver and/or Satellite terminal will still be required to pay and be
issued with a radio licence. In this case, the licence will be issued by
the Merchant Shipping Directorate of the Malta Maritime Authority.

You may get more information (including the GA regulations and a set of
FAQs) on the above matters by accessing the following link ->

With regard to usage of marine VHF channels, please be reminded that the
main purpose of a VHF radio installed on board a vessel is for emergency
and search and rescue communications only. This can be done through
Channel 16 (voice) and Channel 70 (DSC). The latter channel is used for
Digital selective calling for distress, safety and calling - this option
may only be found into DSC-enabled VHF radios.

The MMA has recently published a "Notice to Mariners" related to the
services offered by the new Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) and use of
international marine VHF channels. Further information may be obtained
from the following link ->

If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact

Best regards,

Alan Cassar
Technical Specialist - Maritime Communications

Malta Communications Authority
Valletta Waterfront, Pinto Wharf, Valletta, FRN 1913, Malta.
Tel: +356 21 336 840
Fax: +356 21 336 846
I'd rather be fishing.....


My mobile number is 99451683. I'm moored in Birzebbuga and my boat is a Kaptan Trend with a 115HP outboard. I'm always fishing from M'skala upto Gnejna. and sometimes we go to our neighbours in Gozo ;D

me and my friend we always use CH6 and CH10 on the VHF.
Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke


Hi guys... i'm new in this Forum .... I've heard quite a few of you on the VHF these last couple of weeks , I hope we can get in touch sometimes ... and if anyone is out there in need of help dont hesitate you 'll find me on channel 6 or 10 ,  cya out there and happy fishing . Thanks

Triumph 170cc - Evinrude 75 E-TEC


Hi ForTuna, welcome to the forum. What's your callsign or will you respond to MFF ForTuna!?

I think most of us now are going to be using Channel 6 for hailing each other as it seems to be the most popular.