Discounted Boat Show Tickets from Mecca Marine

Started by Meccanic, September 24, 2010, 07:21:35 CET

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@ mecannic:  If what u say is right Meccanic then the fault is with the Boat show organiser and owner of Network publications that is Christine and John respectively. If they are half decent and professional they would write a few lines in your favour and apologies for their mistake.
Its no use arguing with the gaffer or pointing at Kaptan Jr, they are expressing what they felt by being rejected at the door and believe me the feeling is NOT NICE.
Your arguments should be with the ones who let you down that is Christine and John. As long as that does not happen then its only natural that your claim (since it did not materialise) of getting a half price to MFF members remains as expressed.


Kaptan - hawn mhux nitkellmu b'mod personali. Din hija realta li 5 euro hija gholja wisq dan kollu biex tidhol tara Boat Show. Ahna hdimna halli l-organizzatri jrahsu din il-mezata. Ghal MALTA FISHING FORUM ahna ilhaqna kompromess ta nofs prezz. Issa jekk huma din ma irrispettawiex mhix tort taghna. Huma waqaw ghac cajt ghax hafna nies ma dahlux!

Il-MECCA MARINE qed jaghmlu dak kollu possibli biex in Namur tal-daghjjes ikun milhuq minn kulhadd u bi prezzjiet ragonevoli. Ghalhekk nahdmu bis-shih biex inkunu cost effectiv, inwaqqaw l-ispejjez imma naghtu ghazla kbira ta prodotti bi prezz li jilhaqghom kulhadd.


Exactly Shanook.
I agree totally with what you are saying. Yet the messages above are melicious against MECCA MARINE and hint nasty things. We are all doing all possible to work in honesty and maintain the lowest possible prices. Our direct clients know this and in a small market like Malta work is not easy at all. In all scenarious we are also offering the largest range under 1 roof. We have NOTHING to do with the Boat Show organiosation!

We only pay hasty fees to be present and offer our products. If people do not go in the fair because of the expensive entrance Fees, it would be so pointless to set up stand at the first place.


This topic has been sent to Christine @ Network Publications as the Events Manager for the Boat Show.

Representing over 1,700 members and approx 6,000 visitors to the site per month, I feel that Network Publications needs to clarify this issue either with a formal response to me via email or posting directly on the forum.

Certainly given the currently feeling, if they do not comment they can expect to lose a large percentage of our 1,700 members who will probably not return to the show, myself included.



Quote from: Meccanic on September 28, 2010, 07:29:35 CET
QuoteThe Gaffer:
Discount my ASS.  I was there yesterday, at the entrance, I showed my card to the ticketing lady, who just stared at it!!!.  She knew nothing about a discounted entrance for members of the Malta Fishing Forum.  Actually her exact words were...NO, there is no discount, who are you, discount only for people with invitation....I was utterly DISGUSTED.  No use arguing, there was alot of people around, and I'm not used to begging!.  I suggest (actually I insist) that in the future Meccanic, before you come onto this site and raise members expectations (although you're used to that too from what I hear and see....) with alot of BS, get your facts right.  

Many thanks for nice write up: i really appreciate your views but before your write some comments such as these, check the things right! BOAT SHOW ORGANISER: CHRISTINE 99426747 and owner of NETWORK PUBLICATIONS: Mr John Formosa all confirmed the half price entry ticket with MALTAFISHING Membership card. I put up the post only when all confirmations were in hand - the post was correct and we work alot to see more people at the Boat Show. Did any other importer try to help you get in free or half price? MECCA was only one of the over 50 exhibitors! Bil-malta - mis suba tiehdu l-id! u dak il-grazzi li niehdu.
It is very easy to sit on your chair and write melicious comments about all the service providers - yet our work attitude is so much different.

KAPTAN JNR: is-sena l-ohra ha sehem missierek u hadt gost hafna nara li saqqaf wiccu ghal -MALTAFISHINGFORUM biex jidhlu b'nofs prezz!

Check the things right!!!???? must be joking mate.  I was there.  I was the one who was humiliated and disgusted by the way I was treated at the front gate.  Unlike you, I don't sit on my chair (God, whoever taught you to write english must be very proud of you!!)...I visited the boatshow together with my wife and child, and me bragging about how Mecca marine are so proactive and getting us members discount entrance fees.  Only to be looked at by a bewildered gate attendant as if I was a fart in a space suit!!!....You should see things through!!, if there was an agreement, then you damn well make sure that the agreement is in place, and fuctioning, before you come on this site and write the gibberish you are now so accustomed to writing.   If what you say is correct, then the comms line broke down after you had reached an agreement with the organisers.  Mis seba niehu l-id.[my answer to that is simple mate]..jien la qatt gejt bzonnok, u miniex bi hsiebi nigi bzonnok!!.  
Read again, these are not malicious comments...I am stating  wrote with all the regalia here that you managed to get a discounted entry fee for the forum members...and NONE of us, I repeat, none of us here got the discount...only Baghira, and that was after he argued with the lady!!!....SO MECCANIC< YOU SHOULD GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT BEFORE POSTING....blehhh...why do I even bother!  :-\ :-\
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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As things are turning out, the best thing to do in my opinion is to wait for the answer by the organisers to skips request. All we have to do is wait and see.

In all fairness Nichol u could have been more proactive when these people let u down and requested a clarification. They slurred your reputation and the irony of it all is that you actually paid them for this?!?!?!?!?!


Baghira is a very lucky boy!!?? Man:-)
Just to ease a bit the tension created......... :P
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Baghira can be a very persuasive person to get a good deal.  :D  :D  :D


Quote from: baghira on September 27, 2010, 10:36:48 CET
ohhhhhhhhhh so she just let me in by mistake..or maybe since that I insisted.
She charged me as a senior citizen.

I understand your feeling gaffer.
Or probably she said "Oh my what a good lookin' guy" - x'tahseb Salv :)
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



No discount for me either. I still have some hair and its not white yet :)
But the boat show was crap actually. It was more intended for the multi millionaires than for us poor sport fishermen.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


I went only one in my life and saw that there are lots of boats not for our needs, so decided not to go anymore. We all know the best boats/service, so like others I think when I go, I go strait to my needs. I don t know as in these shows they give some kind of discount, but personally I like more see the boats in action, then seeing them under a search light.

Another thing is this forum, lot of members ask me for information regards spearfishing and I do the same when I need something or a service from someone. So why have to go there and get an advice from a sales person!