Brands of braided line for spinning

Started by ken82, December 13, 2010, 15:02:41 CET

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Hi guys,

Would like to know which brand/s of braided line available locally you guys use or consider as good. I read a lot about powerPRO and Berkley fireline considered as good.

Wanted to hear your side .

Thanks and season's greetings 


i wouldnt buy localy its to expersive.i use toughline xp so far i dont have any complaints


I used to buy my braided line from the internet. There are a lot of good braids available locally.  Ofcourse the problem with malta is shipping, that is why things are more expensive here.  Most of the powerPro you find for sale on the internet, for cheap prices is a really well faked version of the original, from China.  SO be careful, I was going to get tricked into getting a stock of it!

Kenneth for spinning i suggest that you invest a little in your line.  If you can get PE instead of braid, it will be thinner and rounder, resulting in better casting, for a little extra money.
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


Spiderwire, the invisibraid. Red one is fantastic and if used well it doesn't produce bird nests. Only problem is discolouration after excessive use. Other thing, when spooling the reel you have to maintain appropriate tension and not press too hard on the line as you affect the dye. Other thing is when spinning and you pull line out from the reel (with locked arm) in order to adjust length of leader and braid prior to the cast, you will be spoiling the braid. After doing this excessively you will notice small strands start coming off. Yet this doesn't really relate to the quality but more a bad habit which i have to change.

Other than that, I found this braided to be very very strong, round and good. You can also follow the thread there was a while back:,727.0.html

In this thread there is some great info by many members and also something about the berkley fireline i had tried.

Man how I miss fishing - igri i finish these bloody studies :( good luck to whoever else is studying and let hope time flies so we get back to the sea!


Good luck for the exams

Yes i followed that thread (in fact there are 2 threads related to braid) I just wanted to get a second opinion. I know for eg that powerpro is a safe bet. most threads i read on the net  considered it very good. for eg spiderwire is also one of the most mentioned but still i found a few that switched to powerpro and don't regret it.

For now i 'll wait for festive season to be over due to congestion in post, then we'll see thanx guys

Festi Tajba


The powerpro i had purchased over the net a while back i had got to utilise for surfcasting. Yet my biggest mistake was that I order the wrong size and the type of line I have on my reel can tow small boats lol (stupid me hehe). The one thing i say about it is: thank God i had also got these tapered shock leaders for surf-casting as once I used it for some rock fishing and I'm telling you - it was a real pain to cut the line (weight got stuck at the bottom)! Really strong!

Yet what surprised me most about the spiderwire and berkley is its roundness and smoothness. If you are equipped with high-end guides and a good rod you are in for some amazing casts. Unfortunately I still didn't get the high end rod yet, but the difference from normal mono or other braids like the old climax (the grey one which was now replaced) is quite noticable.


Ever since i switched over to braid ive used powerpro and tbh ive never looked back!! I got/still get mine from e-bay from a tackle shop in the U.K & in point of fact his prices were a little more expensive than a few other u.k. based e-bay stores but in his product description he mentioned the same thing that clutchkick posted,basically there is alot of fake powerpro braid made in china being sold,so be careful what you purchase.
Quote from: jean on December 14, 2010, 09:41:41 CET
Yet my biggest mistake was that I order the wrong size and the type of line I have on my reel can tow small boats lol (stupid me hehe).
Lol!!! No your not stupid at all mate,in fact its very easy to do this as alot of braid & mono manufacturers insist on packaging their products using the old imperial system of Lb's & Oz's mainly due to the U.S. america flat out refuses to use the metric system..period! & the U.K. who have the metric system,all be it but grudgingly,still use imperical measures when talking about fishing line...Lets put it this way,talk to any angler from the U.K. & 99% still use the Lb's breaking strain measurement and very few will know what you on about if you say for example "i use a .45mm mono leader" what i find amazing is even the younger generation who don't use the imperial system on a daily basis use it for fishing line size/strength   ;D


Thanks to all for your help and season's greetings.

A friend of mine has already bought a reel of powerpro braid i'll tell him when the time comes.

tight lines to all


berkely whiplash crystal braid is very good and reasonably priced on the net, it has a round profile and is supposed to be invisible in water. there is a great site where you can get it vat free along with loads of great products but i'm not sure wether forum rules allow me to post the link.
just wish there was carp in malta!


Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


the problem with berkley whiplash is that they state that it is much thinner than it really is and furthermore they exagerate on the ABS (absolute breaking strain).

at the moment im using daiwa boat braid, sufix and whiplash, all 3 are good braids
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Martin I am one who likes to use the breaking strain not the daimeter.........I look at it this way if you say .45mm what is the breaking strain it could be 30lbs to 50 lbs?????? and when loading my reels I like to know what the breaking strain is, this to regulate my drag. On the other hand if you say 35lbs It could be a small diameter or a larger one but my preference is the poundage not the diameter...... this regarding the line......on the other hand I like to see the reel with the diameter of the line regarding the length that it can spool not the weight????


@shanook good point mate..Tbh before i re spool a reel i like to test the line myself before i spool it up..nothing fancy i use a spring scale and tie a length of line to that & then the other end to a vice on my workbench in the garage,just to check for myself where it actually breaks.In point of fact its not the 1st time ive found spools of mono esp. that differ quite alot from there claimed breaking strengths... dunno why.. maybe its been stored badly along the way getting here? boq! I also like to see the actual line spooled up to determine how much a spool can take of certain line,as i also found it differs alot occasionally.

But still here we are more used to purchasing/dealing with the metric specs. & its not the 1st time ive almost bought some mono online thinking im buying .45mm line then on a final check before confirming the purchase realising its 45lb b.s. a bit of a difference!!! :D in my prev. post i just meant to illustrate how easy it is to do this...its a pain having to deal with two sets of measurements..but there you go  :(