The ORIS National Big Game Tournament in aid of the Puttinu Cares Foundation

Started by skip, March 25, 2011, 22:39:05 CET

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A big 5* to the comitte for all the organisation. The tournament start was the highlight of the day to see all those boats lined up and accelerating gradually for the take off. As skip communicated that the tournament can begin I thought that it was the p1 evolution class start, with all those boats speed off for their favourite fishing grounds. Well done again.
Albatross 380 powered by 9.9 mercury and 3.5 tohatsu.

Wife : "you shall never fish again"
Husband : "find a lawyer"


Guys:  We seem to take a lot for granted, and expect that everything is in place and organised.  But behind every tightly organised event, there is always a team of hard working and dedicated individuals making sure everything goes according to plan.  

You all  remember how one fine day on the 5th of January this year, I put up a post of a dream I had having the MFF organise the first ever National Big Game Tournament in Malta.  Encouraged by the response, I quickly set up a team which would hopefully get us to where we are today.  Colin, who partnered me in all we did, Antoine, the main sponsor, and Robby, the finance guy!. I just could not bring myself to ask Nick, as he was facing a stiffer challenge on the home front, Nick's father was facing some major medical challenges and I personally pledged to Nick that I would look after the ship and that he sould dedicate all his time to the family matter.  

Then we roped in the charitable cause, Puttinu Cares, and things got off to a big start.  We started to approach sponsors for prizes, and we recieved a very healthy and promising response from all the people we approached.  Colin and myself dedicated most of our free time to gathering sponors for the event, and we also started working on the magazine.  We needed advertisers, sponsors, donations, etc.  We needed a printer, and a designer.  Anotine got in touch with Guttenberg, and they offered to do the printing at cost.  I got in touch with Creative partners, and they did the layout design and creation of the magazine for free.  We also had Kevin (Malvizzu) doing a number of designs and advert layouts for free.  Colin, Antoine myself and later on Nick used our influence with a number of business contacts and managed to secure enough advertisers for the magazine.  I took over the content side too.  Some of you I got in touch with and asked if you'd be willing to prepare an article to feature in the magazine.  I needed to write outt a few myself, and we managed to do all this while we're trying to run our families, holding onto our jobs, and managing emergencies life has a habit of throwing at us when we usually get into these sort of things.  We quickly realised that we needed more help, and asked the Federation to join us in the organisation.  That was my first encounter with Dr. Carabott, affectionately referred to as Gogo.  I did not actively involve myself directly in the tournament logistics, as I was taking part.  I needed somebody to look after the tournament logistics, the actual event, and the weigh in activities at the end.  I needed a person of integrity, experience and above all respected by all the fishing community.  In the absence of Nick (skip - was facing some serious personal challenges of his own), I nominated Dr. Joe Carabott D'Amato because I saw in him the right attributes to drive this forward.  Dr. Carabott whole heartedly took over the as Tournament Director, sat in the driver's seat and comfortably lead this tournament to the success that it was.  Behind every success, there is a dedicated team of individuals who supported the Tournament Director.  Nick gradually got back into gear (we all know Nick lost his father at a crucial moment when the Tournament logistics were being set up) and helped Dr. Carabott with the finner details on planning and logistics.  

Dr Carabott was also influencial in a number of other activities and matters.  He successfully brought in a number of donations for the event, presses the FCD when the tuna limited quota permit seemed to have been lost and managed to turn around the decision.  Provided reality to my plans to have a free parking space available for boat trailers, the tournament jetty, the finner details of all tournament logistics, including inspection procedures,  boat rollout to starting positions, and the actual start process.  Dr. Carabott and Nick also organised the full pre tournament brifing activity.  In many of these items, Nick ably assisted Dr. carabott in his efforts.  Colin was also there to provide the necessary backup required in all matters.  

I cannot forget to mention also the whole team of inspectors, judges and helpers who helped and contributed to this success, these were lead by Frank Abela, President of the Federation. Also Robby, who had to go to the fish market at 5.00am to pick up the weighing scales and then spent a whole day down in B'Buga 

Another mention is the Gauci family (Tal-princess) Ghedida (Curmi and Partners) and Garath for their support and help as support vessels.  Nigel (Fin) the tournament safety officer who looked after the safety aspect of this Tournament.

A special mention must go to Mark Crabott, Dr. Joe's son, who was always there alongside his father, offering help and support, and especially technical support, during this whole event.  To all of you, I say thank you, you have made this possible.

Joe the Gaffer
Chairman, Tournament organising committee

P.S.  If I did leave anyone out, please accept my apologies, as I'm still very very tired, and trying to accept the fact that we as a Maltese people, are also able to organise large scale events, with minimum funds available, and a lot of dedication and support from genuine individuals.

Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


I know this will send shivers down the spines of a few individuals, notably Gogo, Colin and Nick but I am a forward looking person:

Next year's event will be even better!!!!!!!!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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I promised myself a year off from Competition Organisation/Assistance, I would like to take part in one at least once!

That being said, I think if we do another National Tournament, it should  be a region Tournament concept.......West Side (people from Gnejna/Gozo), North (people from Xemxija, Bugibba, Mellieha), Central (Sliema, Gzira, M'xett, Ta'Xbiex, Grand Harbour) and South (M'Scala, B'Bugia, M'xlokk) all taking part in the same National Event but spread around Malta.

I think we had enough Tournament Officials and Support boats to make this possible, start and finish points would be local to each region and I think we would have even more than 100 boats collectively if we do it this way.

We had support officials from Gnejna Club, Bugibba, Gzira, B'Bugia etc so I'm sure they would love to organise the inspection/finish point in their home area, whilst it still being the same National Event.


I think this National event is now pretty much inserted into the yearly calander of events.  Nick's idea of having regional start/finish points is interesting.  I agree it would definitely push up the participating level.  Logistically it would present a tiring challenge, but then we're not ones to shy away from challenges. @Nick - You can still be part of the organising team and participate, its something we need to work out.  I have some ideas.

On the home front, great success, some sponsors have already confirmed for next year, while other new ones are eager to come on board. 

I guess for next year we will also rope in a charitable institution, whether or not it will again be Puttinu Cares is a decision yet to be taken.  We need to think of other needy organisations that do alot of good in our local community. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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I have to say thanks to all those that made yesterday's possible.
The start was a dream at sunrise.

A small comment: we should invest in a proper calibratable scale, the scale that was used to wiegh the fish, was a bit !!!!!!!!

P.S. Visa, is it me you are referring to! Come on please, I followed your discussion with Nick, whom I know was comming for help as he was one of the support vessels. When you went past me I did not know that you was in trouble, you were on autopilot. You know I always help when I can.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


baghira is a guy that helps everyone, im sure if it was urgent he would have helped.  And afterall it was a competition and given that the case wasn't urgent and was withinreach of a support vessel there was nothing wrong.
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


I head to read your comment again visa, since that i could not understand it well, due to some spelling mistake. This guy known to all, i am sure its me..

Please, did I ever say no??
And when you went past me, you said you was on autopilot, and you was going straight not in circles, and  if I remember well you was still trolling since that i went to port side due to our lures not to get entagled. Then you said about your problem after some time on VHF, and I really took it as a joke since that:
1 I was in a competition
2 There were 5 support vessels to call for help,
3 You was not in danger, since that the sea was much better at 11:30am.
4 I told you that on my way back, i would have called you to see if you was still in difficulty.

I had one sick person on board and we still continued our competition till the end.

Now I do not want to start an argument, especially with a great guy like you are, and apologies from my side if I ever did something wrong.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


VISA I did not participate in the event but rest assured that Baghira is not one who leaves someone in need without giving his utmost help.
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


And the winner of our little garage competition is Baghira with an alonga caught by the tail while trolling with a jigging rod on 30lbs line. and in no particular order the losers were Visa, Benri and last comes Shanook as he only stayed an hour in the competition................ Ur bloomer is in the fridge u can claim it when u want to Baghira


yes bloody hell he's the lucky one! first he's always coming for lessons pretending he knows nothing, then he beats us all!
I'd rather be fishing.....

Destination Sea

thanks to all the organisers, participants etc. it was great and a wonderful expierence. Was very tiered in the end, slept only for  30min on the boat and thats it. we got 2 strikes and 2 on board. still under the sleep  nausea .
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20


As a member of the organizing committee first of all I wish to thank all the participants who made the event such a success. Despite our 5 months of dedicated hard work without you all we could not made it a "day to remember". Above everything admiration must go to all the participants for their excellent behavior, following the TD's instructions and regulations without any "tgergier". Given the size of the gathering we did expect an element of confusion before the start, one being that the colored light displayed by the Princesses could not be seen, probably cos of the bridge height which resulted in a few boats searching in circles for these majestic boats.

Being one of the support vessels and having taken a good overview of proceedings plus above posts allow me to forward my comments.

@Baghira/Visa -  Definitely we all know Silvio well, he would go out of his way to assist anyone. However I wish to correct Baghira – It is right to state that there were 5 support vessels.....what many did not notice or know is that Puttinu 1 & Puttinu 6 (the 2 Princesses) sped off to Gozo once the start got under way. Puttinu 4 had a mechanical problem and the skipper was unwell so they made to port pretty early.

Puttinu 2, Ghedida, had flat batteries having left all his lights on not realizing the generator was not charging his batteries. Neville, who was so excellent in organizing his "group", was very disappointed to leave port at 10.00am; he was so enthusiastic to "mother" his group out to the start line. So that left Nick and myself as support. Nick, as a true mariner, had to tow Visa to port so I was practically on my own.

@Benri/All – yes I did spend some time on CH67- apart from this I went tru 2 mobile batteries. What also most do not know is that for "politeness sake" there was my mobile no on the ID cards of those boats directed behind the 2 Princesses. Consequently I was receiving calls from 1.00am. I had several calls during the day, but since reception was weak at times I asked to be called on CH67. Additionally having forced my son to take part with a friend of his on a small boat I was, as a father, concerned for his well being. They had a small VHF and to make matters worse he was also terribly sick as did many others including an experienced Tug boat captain (Boat name MaryannG)!
In order to keep in touch I had to go tru 3rd parties. It is natural that once on air one deviates from official matters, cracks a joke or asks about "the catch". Additionally being known to many of the participants they all had to call and have a small chat....imma xtghamel.

While Skip was towing Visa I had a call from Chris of Petecraft who broke down.A few minutes before I had a mobile call from somebody who if I understood correctly requested assistance, I asked to be cntd on CH67 but never got the concern was for this chap being in danger with nobody around to assist. Chris with his new boat and engine was drifting 18 miles out bearing 170. I was 7 miles from him, so seeing Lady Olga closer to Chris I requested Olga, (while steaming on the same bearing) to assist Chris which Edmond gladly accepted.., an example why I was spending such time on the VHF.
Luckily Chris got his engine going and made it home thus keeping in touch with him every so often. I have explained all this cos I know that some have passed remarks about my use of CH67, however despite having only Nick and myself available we are really happy that all went well and without any major incident. Prosit to all those who sacrificed so much.


I was only joking Colin :D
I could vouch for your dedication to assist everybody and I would have done the same if my daughter was out there!
I'd rather be fishing.....