Approaching the big grouper !!

Started by spearfishinglog, May 23, 2011, 21:35:25 CET

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Masking your diving approach sometimes confuses groupers. In this case you can clearly see the grouper expecting to see me the other way. A second before the shot he turns as he realises that I am behind him!


the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing



easier said then done....
Nice vid....
From what distance did you shoot the grouper|?
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Quote from: baghira on May 24, 2011, 06:48:03 CET
easier said then done....
Nice vid....
From what distance did you shoot the grouper|?

It was 4m from the tip of my gun!

Simon G

maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


Well done for the video...really good.
It would be very helpful to see the dive and the it on video too?


Quote from: Nichrome on May 24, 2011, 14:14:03 CET
Well done for the video...really good.
It would be very helpful to see the dive and the it on video too?



Quote from: EmicMalta on May 24, 2011, 15:52:50 CET
Quote from: Nichrome on May 24, 2011, 14:14:03 CET
Well done for the video...really good.
It would be very helpful to see the dive and the it on video too?

Ghidli ghidli Emik...Fidil kon gej :)  It still looks too deep for me so do not worry :)

What I meant is getting answers for questions such as...
> Did you see the grouper from the surface and than you carried out an agguato or else you occasionally came across the grouper during a previous dive?
> Does the video show the complete agguato to the grouper or does it only show the final part?


Nickrome, jien ma nafikx u milli jider qas int ma tafni pero tinkwetax alija ax jien qas qatt ma nkwetajt fuq huta. Ghalkemm naghmel min kollox fil bahar biex dejjem nitallem, l haga li hadt iehor jaqbad ma tatini xejn fl istonku, anzi ahjar ax sinjal li jkun beda jider certu hut.
Addejt dak il kumment ax biex tuwri video facli hafna, pero trid tkun responsabli tajd u turi il post fejn tkun qed towm. Hafna persuni inkluz jien xbajna naraw videos ta sajd pero il mistoqsija li staqsejt int huwa diffijcli li juruwilek. Biex taqbad ic crien haga wahda trid taghmel, tara 10 biex forsi taqbad 1 u titallem mid 9 l ohra li tkun rajt. Jien ghandi cerna li ijli fuq 6 snin naf bija, imma adni ma sibtx il mument li nitradija. Issa gieli jkun hawn min jaghmel dive u jaqbada bic cajt, imma s sajd hekk.

L inportanti tal videos hu li tkun taf l istorja kollha ta zmien, temperatura, fond, kurrenti, il performance tas sajjied, il post, hin u teknika. Jien ghandi ftit hbieb li noddom fuq ijd wahda, li meta nitlef huta nmur fuqom u jatuni ir risposta ghaliex gara hekk, u kif jajdu l esperjenza talmek. Personalment rari adni nara videos ta hadt iehor mux min malta, ax biex jfixkluk iktar milli jajnuk. Jien niffilmja hafna mid dives biex fejn nista nisraq min kull dive, meta nasal id dar nkun rajt x kinet ir raguni.


Thanks Emic.  Jien kont qed niehu kollox aktar bic-cajt u qatt ma stennejt li ser insir naf fejn hu il post, perĂ² il-parti tal-video li giet ippostjata vera apprezzajta ghax ghalija hu ovvju illi min gibidha kapaci...haaaaafna aktar minni  ;D

Jien nipprova nitghallem (u emminni...ghandi bzonn  ;)) imma nirrispetta ukoll illi min ikun wasal ghal certu livelli ikun ipprattika hafna aktar minni u b'hekk ikun qed jigbor ir-rizultati ta snin ta prattika!  Keep it up u nerga nghid prosit tal-vieo u Emik, skuzani jekk kien hemm xi misunderstanding!!!