BFT recreational draws

Started by Gogo, April 30, 2012, 12:07:20 CET

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Quote from: FREEDIVE on May 04, 2012, 13:58:26 CET
Jien bicca iccassat u sirt naf biha din tat tonn l aqqas kont nobsor li hawn iccassati aktar minni. Laqqas naqra gazzetti, kella tghidli l mara biha.

Mela issa taf, ghax jien iccassat iktar minnek.  Jien ma kont naf assolutament xejn.  Pero, cempilt lil Fisheries meta rajt il-post ta Gogo, bhala forum, u ghedtilhom din mhix gusta, allavolja ismi tela it-tieni wiehed is sena l-ohra.  Shaqt li il-kwota ghanda tinqassam bejn dawk kollha li japplikaw, mhemx distinzjoni.  Cempilt lil Dr. Joe Carabott, u ghedtlu ukoll.  Dr. Carabott qalli li-Federation ilha tishaq fuq dan ukoll.  Din id-darba, bil presssure tal Federation, waqfu kollox.  

Pero irrid nghid din ukoll.  Minn dawk li applikaw is-sena l-ohra, wiehed biss irregistra qabda wahda tat-tonn.  Mela allura qed jigru dawn laffarijiet:
1.  Mhux kull minn jaqbad tonna qed jirregistra
2.  L-argument taghna li il-kwota ghandha tinfetah ghal kull minn japlika huwa argument gust, ghax minn 18 il-permess wiehed qabad wahda, allura hemm lokk ghal aktar spazju ghal sajjieda dilettanti
3.  It-tonn li jinqabad mal fishfarms mhux jigi irregistrat!!

Li naf cert huwa li l-fisheries, fin-nuqqas ta rapporti konfermati ta qbid ta tonn minn sajjieda dilettanti, qed njikkunsidraw innehhu ghal kollox il-kwota tad-dilettanti, u jghatuha lura lis-sajjieda kummercjali.  Xi kultant, nitfu l-gebla fuq saqajna!!!

Ma nafx jien...mhux ta bxejn ninkazza, ghax nippretendi kullhadd bhali ???

Sewwa jghiduli...
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Hi all concerned,

Few weeks ago, the Federation and Fisheries Control Department have reached an agreement re BFT Recreational Permit.

The 1500 Kilo quota will be available to all participants until exhausted. Then no BFT can be landed.

It was also agreed that due to administrative misunderstanding between parties involved, last year participants will be accepted with this year applications.

Conditions will be forwarded to applicants by the Fisheries Control Division Officers.

Federation exhorts all permit holders to abide by the conditions so that what has been achieved will remain in the future.

Federation thanks the Fisheries General Director and Officials for their help and understanding.

Joe Carabott Damato (Gogo)



For next year we will have to all keep a better eye out and then post up on the relevant sites. This system of sharing the quota is what we have been suggesting and pushing for quite some time so it's great to see it in place.

If you do have an authorisation, please as Dr. Joe mentions stick to the conditions.