Fishing on a sandy beach @ night

Started by rule3, May 02, 2012, 13:46:18 CET

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Any suggestions on what kind of rig works best and type of bait to be used? Maybe tickness of line?

I searched in the forum and found that there's nothing better then (hniex tal imperjal) .

L-ikbar ghadu tas-sajd hija s-sodda.


I think paternoster is good for sandy beaches...and i like to fish with korean worm too...cheaper than hniex tal imperjal but you can catch nice fish with the korean worms too.


Thanks Davidoff93.  Jien kont se naghmel dawk il beads glow in the dark mas-snanar imma ed nibza li izjed inbezzahhom milli nressaqhom lejja l hut.
L-ikbar ghadu tas-sajd hija s-sodda.


Ma nahsibx li hemm alfej...taf kif tarma paternoster? Ghax ek dak niprova nibatlek xi links..


paternoster minghalija bhal tal qiegh normali comba l isfel u giex frieghi fuq le?
L-ikbar ghadu tas-sajd hija s-sodda.


Quote from: rule3 on May 02, 2012, 13:46:18 CET
Any suggestions on what kind of rig works best and type of bait to be used? Maybe tickness of line?

I searched in the forum and found that there's nothing better then (hniex tal imperjal) .


It depends on the season.

There is better than imperjal on sandy beaches. This period is not a very good period for beach ledgering. You could be lucky and find some of the escaped awrat or some mnieges
Good season so far.....


Thanks tal ghajnuna nies. Jiena jekk nlaqqat awrata jew minguz wiehed bizzejjed ghalijja.
L-ikbar ghadu tas-sajd hija s-sodda.



ed nippjana li mmur xi naqa fuq ir-ramel xi darba ghax qatt ma mort forsi nlaqqat xi haga
L-ikbar ghadu tas-sajd hija s-sodda.


mux facli kemm qed tahseb habib fuq r ramel izomm inqas hut milli fuq l blat. Trid tkun armat ghal dan t tip ta sajd
Good season so far.....


Nippruvaw hux. Irrid nara namilx sliding weight jew paternoster normali.
L-ikbar ghadu tas-sajd hija s-sodda.


arma paternoster jew running...paternoster abbli tmiss xi haga ifem...xi mengus jew ekk...pero filaxija trid il hin biex imissek pepp ;)


Hin mhux problema... luck problema haha.. Issa nixtri giex piramidi ha nitfaw il barra =D
L-ikbar ghadu tas-sajd hija s-sodda.


bil piramida ma titfax il barra.

Biex titfa l barra triq qasba u rill li ghandhom casting ability.

il pyramid ma titfax il barra iktar mill bullet/golf ball (l ahjar fl opinjoni tieghi ghad distanza) - imma d distanza jekk ha tistad kwazi xejn. Mux kemm titfa l barra jghodd... Malta l bajjiet zghar
Good season so far.....