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TM Muscle

Started by rixa, July 09, 2012, 08:43:37 CET

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Can anyone let me know if they are experiencing an excessive show of force from Transport Malta this summer? On Saturday I was followed by a TM rib when crossing the Marsamxet harbour. Yesterday, while going out of Marsamxet harbour at 7 knots, the same TM rib drove towards me and shouted "naqqas is-speed". I pointed to my GPS and shouted back "7 knots" and they went on their way. Would I have got a police summons had it not been for my GPS?
Is the presence of the TM rib supposed to make us feel threatened? I would like to think that the presence of the TM rib was supposed to make us feel safe!


:) I'm smiling because that's exactly how I felt last year....TM and Police should be on the water to ensure safety and also to educate and promote awareness which they DON'T DO.

Now they actually have vessels so that they can get out on the water, intimidation doesn't surprise me at all. Had he slowed and matched your speed he would have been able to see that you were in fact doing 7 knots.

I believe in Malta within a port or designated speed area, something like 10 knots is just a speed restriciton, it isn't combined with a No Wake Zone to the best of my knowledge.

Yes the GPS probably saved you, but remember that all TM/Police vessels are marked, you have every right to take down their details and file a report/complaint and all TM staff must carry their ID tags so do a check back on them. BUT if you do proceed down that route, make SURE EVERYTHING on your end is in order or they will take you the cleaners!!


DONT bother its a lost cause..we are, as everyone knows, IN MALTA.


actually @ 7kts you were breaking the law, have a look at the following

Notice to Mariners No. 107 of 2011
Speed Restricted in Close Proximity to Small Craft,
Mooring Areas and Marinas
The Ports and Yachting Directorate, Transport Malta,  reminds mariners, boaters and operators of commercial  vessels on the importance of proceeding at a safe speed at all  times subject to the prevailing circumstances and conditions  and with extra caution and slow speed when operating and  maneuvering in close proximity to small craft, mooring areas  and marinas. Mariners are also reminded on the importance of keeping a proper lookout at all times.
The following shall apply:
1) In terms of the Yachting Centres Regulations  (SL499.10) the speed limit in the approaches to and fairways  near yachting centres, marinas and mooring areas shall be a  maximum of 3 knots;

2) Further to the Ports Regulations (SL499.01) and the  Small Ships Regulations (SL499.52) it is determined that  within the other areas of the ports of Valletta, Marsamxett and  Mġarr (Gozo) mariners are to proceed at a maximum speed of 5 knots and keeping wash as a minimum. In other ports and harbours, within 300m from the foreshore of a sandy beach and within 200m from other part of the foreshore are to proceed at a speed which is not in excess of 10 knots
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


its one thing being close to moorings as well as close to jetty in harbour and another thing being in the middle of say birzebbugia harbour.......coming in the harbour with an open space and no other smaller crafts in the vicinity a 10 knots speed is in my opinion extremely safe........
I actually think that in close proximity to other craft a 3 knot speed is way too fast especially with a boat that creates a big wake.
I think the most important thing is to use common sense         


very true shanook, however give that the law says that 5kts is the max in marsamxett harbour 7kts is overspeeding.

agreed, 3kts is sometimes too much near mooring places, especially pontoons...some people are always asking for trouble coming at a good 8 knots between the pontoons
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


birzebbuga u marsaxlokk mhux meqjusa port.. mhemmx speed limit tkun ta periklu ma tistax
marino atom 450 honda bf50 aux honda 5....


qedin taht other ports and harbours ... voldieri ma tistax ittella aktar min 10 kts
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Ganni, looking at your avatar I am sure that you know the difference between 7 knots and 5 knots. If you agree that my licence should be revoked for an excessive 2 knots, then - YES - it is a show of muscle.

It would be nice if Notice to Mariners 107 of 2011 was written with everyone's safety in mind. Was anybody injured in Marsamxetto Harbour prior to November 2011 when the superseded Notice 96 required a maximum speed of 10 knots? I think not.

Again, I would very much like to feel protected by the presence of Transport Malta in their ribs. I think that many of us get a feeling of "what am I doing wrong" when these ribs pass by us.


Of course no licence should be revoked for an extra 2 knots but from what you posted  here, it seems that all the TM RIB did was to tell you to reduce speed to within the legal limit. IMO there is nothing wrong in that.


Boq  fdan il-pajjiz ma nafx jien jekk hadd ma jaghti kas igergru modd jekk tkun qieghed tizbalja u jigbdulek l attenzjoni ingergru modd iehor !!!  Bhal ma qal lazy fisherman  billi gibdulek lattenzjoni ma nahsibx li ghamlu xi haga hazina jien mela kiku qabdu gew fuqek u harkuk x kont tghid :)  !!!
Listen, I like female form in minimum dress Money to spend with a capital "S" Get a date with the woman in red Wanna be in heaven with three in a bed !!!


ggantno1, mhux qed ingerger izda qiegħed nigbed l-attenżoni fuq suġġett li naf li tahraq xi ftit. Inti taħseb li xi hadd huwa kapaci li f'daqqa tal għajn jkun cert li qed issuq bi speed at 7 knots?? Ma naħsibx!!

Biex tkun taf, ma għandix xi cabin cruiser, imma kull ma għandi huwa dingy u inħobb noħroġ bir rixa.

Huwa stat ta fatt li malli dawn in nies kienu mogħtija rib u badge tat-Transport Malta, saru trigger happy u qeddin idejqu lil kull minn ghandu xi delizju fuq il bahhar.


Let me just add another fact to the mix here.  A new way of water transport has just emerged in Marsamxetto Harbour.  I am referring here to the water taxis.  I've noticed them crossing the creek between Sliema and Valletta, and there is no way they're doing 7 kts, more like 13 to 14knts.  Also, they leave a heavy wake behind them, as these are big ribs and maxed out with people, so they tend to drag a lot of water.  Have you seen any TM rib come up close to these water taxis and demand that thery slow down?
I think its a matter of prudence.  My boat at 7knts leaves a huge wake, more like a 3/4 mtr wave, which can cause great discomfort to small boats like fregatinas and even canoes in the creek.  When I approach them, I just slow down.  We all know its a pain to come out of the creek until we find open water, takes about 20 minutes from when I leave the pontoon till I get to where I can throttle up, but, prudence is prudence.  Especially inside the marina fareway, I seldom go over 3 knts, as the wake disturbs other boats moored to the pontoons. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Let's not take the cowboy attitude.

I suggest that skippers should take this seriously and in addition to the local notices to mariners read carefully the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) which in terms of the Merchant Shipping Act are enshrined in Maltese law and apply to all Maltese vessels anywhere in the world and any other vessel in Maltese teritorial waters.  Keep in mind that under Rule 3 the term 'vessel' is defined as 'any description of water craft ...........used or capable of being used asa a means of transportation on the water'.  You can still be prosecuted for a contravention of these Rules.  A couple of years ago in the UK a jetski driver was convicted for contravening these Rules. Our legislation is very similar to the one in the UK.  Cowboy attitudes have to stop.


LOL....I don't know about cowboy attitudes, but we sure as hell have a lot of "attitude" on the sea here.  You mention Jetskis, let me tell you about jetskis.  Down at the Hoffriet on any given Sunday, Jetskis rule the bay...not only jetkis, but dingys, and I don't mean the small dingys with the 2-4HP outboards, I mean the dingy's with 25HP outboards or jet propulsion engines.  Of course, you will get the 'odd' flybridge cruiser coming into the bay, with the skipper 'eyeing' the blonde with the bikini (if you can call it a bikini) on the boat aside to him instead of keeping his attention onto the way ahead.  Yes, we have 'attitude'.  Pity it's the wrong attitude though!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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