2013 Bluefin Tuna Permit (Proposed)

Started by skip, March 30, 2013, 20:38:30 CET

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Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



As per info by Dr Joe Carabott Damato on Federation website, there is another meeting to finalise matters on the 23/5/2013 therefore, we should not expect anything before that date.
I'd rather be fishing.....


Mela ilbierah kont qed nitkellem mal kugin minn Melbourne Australia u qalli li hargu min Melbourne bay ghat Tonn u qabdu 8. (ma nafx ezatt liema speci pero qed nassumi li blue fin, nista nikkonferma) Huma jistghu jaqbdu 3 kull wiehed li jkun hemm fuq il-boat, kull dabra li johorgu.
Tajjeb qeghdin ehhh....
U ahna forsi 3 bejn kull sajjied Malti fis-sena, jekk inkunu xortina tajba.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Forum Home > Information > 2013 Blue Fin Tuna Fishing Licences for Recreational Fishermen

Federazzjoni ta l-Ghaqdiet tas-Sajjieda Dilettanti Malta
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On Monday 25thMarch 2013 Federation representatives attended a meeting with Fisheries Control Officials regarding Blue Fin Tuna Recreational licences for 2013.

For better control of Blue Fin Tuna catches, the Fisheries Control Department is working on the following new system for Recreational Blue Fin Tuna licence.

Alongi, pastardella,dolphin fish (lampuka) and allied species do not fall under this licence andregulations.


Ø                      Applications will open around the second week of April for 15days.

Ø                      Late applications will not be accepted.

Ø                      All recreational vessels can apply.

Ø                      All valid applications will be accepted.

Ø                      Season for Recreational Fishermen starts on 16th Juneup to 16th October 2013.

Ø                      All accepted applicants will begrouped in three or four districts (baseports) according to number of applicants.

Ø                      Each district will be licensed a number of weeks, e.g. with three districts, each district will have five to six weeks, spread over the period from 16 June to 16 October.

Conditions of Licence:

Ø                      A line above 110 mm and specific tuna hook is considered as Tunagear.

Ø                      Such a gear is not allowed on board outside licenced weeks during the period.

Ø                      One Tuna per trip

Ø                      All accepted applicants going out fishing must inform fisheries control of departure and return to port during the whole period between 16th June 2013 and 16th October 2013, even if they are not going out fishing for Blue Fin Tuna.

Ø                      Based on past years reported blue fin tuna catches by licensed recreational fishermen, this year the quota stands at 500 kilos.

Ø                      If the above quota is reached, the season for recreational fishermen will be closed at that time even if it is prior to the 16th October.

Ø                      The minimum allowable catch size remains at 30 Kilos and/or 115cm length.

Ø                      Tuna catches cannot be commercialized but used for personal consumption or for charity.

The Federation will be attending further meetings with the Fishing Control Directorate once final dates have been set by the Fishing Directorate.

March 29, 2013 at 11:09 AM   Flag Quote & Reply

Federazzjoni ta l-Ghaqdiet tas-Sajjieda Dilettanti Malta
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The Fisheries Control Directorate has confirmed that Applications for Recreational Fishermen Blue Fin Tuna Licences for 2013 will open as from Monday 8th April 2013 and will continue to be accepted up to Friday 26th April 2013.  Applications will be accepted betweem 08.00 till 12.00 at the building of Ghammieri Marsa and Mgarr Gozo.

April 4, 2013 at 11:08 AM   Flag Quote & Reply

Federazzjoni ta l-Ghaqdiet tas-Sajjieda Dilettanti Malta
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Today the 25th April 2013, members of theFederation Committee attended a meeting with representatives of the FisheriesControl Division to further discuss the regulations attached to the licencesfor Blue Fin Tuna Fishing by recreational fishermen between 16thJune 2013 and 14th October 2013. Also present for the meeting there was a representative from the MaltaFishing Forum.  It was agreed that thefollowing regulations will apply.

   Applications will be accepted up to 26th April 2013 at 15:00 hrs.
   To date between 150 and 160  applications have been received.
   All applications received will be accepted.
   Total Quota allowed for Recreational Fishermen this year is 500 Kgs.
   License valid between 16th June 2013 and 14th October 2013 unless allowed quota has been caught prior to the 14th October 2013.  If allowed quota is caught before the 14th October, the licence for BFT fishing is no longer valid. (The district and weekly license mentioned by FCD during our last meeting and to which the Federation had objected has been dropped.)
   Landing of fish (TUNA) can only be done at designated ports i.e.  Mgarr (Gozo), Marfa, Valletta, Marsaxlokk.  Fisheries Control Division Officials are still entitled to carry out any boat inspections they may deem fit.
   Anyone catching a Tuna must notify Fisheries Control Division at least two hours before landing the fish.
   No landing of fish is allowed between 23.00 hrs to 02.00 hrs.
   During the license period, each Tuna License holder must inform Fisheries Control Division of departure and return to port, irrespective of the type of fishing he is going out for. Sending an SMS will suffice.
   Fishing line, single or pair, exceeding 160mm overall will be considered as Tuna gear. This applies only for the terminal end. Hand line to beginning of terminal end can be of any size or nature. (This was also a Federation request during our last meeting. Before 110mm and single line through out was being considered)
   The tuna hook is considered as Tuna gear.
   Only Tuna licensed fisherman can hold aboard the above gear.
   Only one Tuna per trip.
   Attempts by the Federation to increase the allowed quota for this year were unsuccessful. If this year there is an increase in registered catches, then the quota can be revised next year.  In this case both the Federation and MFF representative suggested the 1500 kgs allowed last year.  Although this request was noted no definite assurance was given by FCD officials.
   Any licence holder caught infringing any of the regulations will have his licence for 2013 immediately revoked and will also not be allowed to apply for a BFT Liicence next year.

April 25, 2013 at 9:30 AM   Flag Quote & Reply

Joe Carabott Damato
Posts: 13    

Next meeting, hope the last, with Fisheries Department officials on BFT license 2013 is due 23rd May 2013.

Joe Carabott Damato
May 14, 2013 at 2:12 AM   Flag Quote & Reply

Federazzjoni ta l-Ghaqdiet tas-Sajjieda Dilettanti Malta
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The meeting with the Fisheries Control Directorate which was scheduled for today at 09:30 hrs has been postponed to tomorrow at 13:00 hrs because one of the persons which should have been present was not advised of the meeting.
May 23, 2013 at 4:45 AM   Flag Quote & Reply

Federazzjoni ta l-Ghaqdiet tas-Sajjieda Dilettanti Malta
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Posts: 23    

Today members of the Federation Committee attended a meeting with representatives of the Fisheries Control Division to finalise the regulations regarding to the licences for Blue Fin Tuna Fishing by recreational fishermen between 16thJune 2013 and 14th October 2013. Also present for the meeting there was a representative from the Malta Fishing Forum.  It was agreed that the regulations agreed upon during the meeting held on the 25th April 2013 will apply. will apply.

The Fisheries Control Directorate representatives assured the Federation representatives that the relative licences to all applicants will be issued in the coming days.

Once the season opens, updates as to the remaining quota will be sent to the Federation and the Malta Fishing Forum by the Fisheries Control Directorate so that the remaining quotas will be kept updated on the relative Websites.
May 24, 2013 at 9:39 AM   


I can confirm the above minutes.  i was present on behalf of the Malta Fishing Forum.  One word of caution to all.  The FCD will be out on their rib controlling the fishfarms situated in the north and south of the island.  A record 260+ vessels applied and will be granted a fishing licence to catch and land BFT.  Once the quota is reached, the licence will be caancelled, and no other fishing for BFT will be permissable.  So guys, lets get those tuna landed and registered, so we can up the quota to at least 1500kgs for next year.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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One question if I send SMS to inform fisheries I am going out, do I get an SMS reply? What is the mobile number of fisheries?
I still feel that we are being discriminated and screwed..... But I suppose it's normal nowadays.



@ Shanook - I think its best to send an sms and not call.  If you send an sms you will get a delivery report... can serve as proof if needed.
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


So the districts thing is still in force?
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


The only registrations permitted to fish BFT on a rcreational basis are S, MFC and Valletta.  The ditrict thing is just an indicator of which port or location you have exited from. Agree with Gianni here, if you are going out for BFT,best to send an SMS.  Iyou sre going out but not fishing for BFT, you do not need to send an SMS, however be sure you do not have any tackle on board which is used to fish for BFT.  Once the quota is reached, and the permit is expired, you do not need to send an SMS anymore.  Good luck guys, and tight lines
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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@Gaffer thanks for the clarification. So they abolished the regulation that recreational vessels must inform FCD each time they go out fishing?

Would be useful if FCD could provide a sample license and regulations in advance that could be uploaded
