2013 Bluefin Tuna Permit (Proposed)

Started by skip, March 30, 2013, 20:38:30 CET

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No Caldaland according to the last meeting the regulations are those of the 25th April, where it is stated that line above 160mm single or double is considered tuna gear.....


yes shanook,you are right,but in writing,so far,that is all we have.


Is a big Circle Hook considered as Tuna hook? I use these for Wreck fish not for tuna.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


I also use large strong circle hooks with the electric reel


These rules are getting to be ridiculous


110mm is 11cm or 4.3 inches!!!

As Shanook stated I think we're missing a decimal , as it should be 1.10mm !!


Definitely an ommission.  1.1mm is more like it.  The rules have been upgraded to reflect the various decisions taken during the discussions.  These rules will be attached to the permit which will be issues in the coming days.  However, what has changed from the original posting is:
All skippers holding a permit to catch and land BFT must report their intention when going out to fish EXPICITLY for BFT to the Fisheries Control Division.  If you are a permit holder but not going out fishing for BFT, you do not need to inform the FCD, HOWEVER, make sure you do not have any BFT gear on board.
Maximum leader line to be used is a single line of 1.6mm, or double line of .8mm.  
No fishing for BFT within the confines of the tuna pens situated at SPB and outside M'Scala. We are informed that the fishfarms will this year have a perimiter rope around the cardinal marks, so anybody caught fishing inside the perimiter is liable.
Permit holders are obliged to report the BFT catch as soon as it is landed (make sure the BFT is bigger then 115cm or heavier than 30kgs).  Only one BFT per day can be landed per boat
We have been informed that the FCD rib will be out everyday performing patrols along the fishfarms, taking note of who is fishing for what species, whether you are a permit holder, and whether you have informed the FCD of your intentions.  Special attention will be given to boats seen fighting and landing BFT, to ensure that they are repoprting the catch.  
So guys, lets go and catch us some BFT, have fun, stay within the rules, and if you feel obliged to report any abuse, then you have our support!

These are the important ones, there are other rules, but I guess these were the most contentious.  
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Anyone got a reply re the tuna permits ?


Quote from: bigboy on May 28, 2013, 10:52:41 CET
Anyone got a reply re the tuna permits ?
All those who applied will be granted a permit.  The Fisheries Control Directorate are preparing the necessary paperwork and will be forwarding the permits in the coming days.  Thats the latest news we have.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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at least :) The sea is bubbling with Tuna !!!!


Quote from: bigboy on May 28, 2013, 11:18:38 CET
at least :) The sea is bubbling with Tuna !!!!

Ija, Smajt!!!.  Naqa bnazzi irrid jaghmel issa
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Is it far out or as usual near the farms


Open water shanook !! Farms still quiet !!


ghalxejn jaghmel l bnazzi issa ax fis 16th June nistaw imorru ghalihom


Xorta tista taqbad xi wahda bi zball u tehlisa.