2013 Bluefin Tuna Permit (Proposed)

Started by skip, March 30, 2013, 20:38:30 CET

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Quote from: The_Gaffer on April 25, 2013, 15:38:06 CET
Upping the quota is really up to us recreational fishers,  If we register our BFT catches, then for sure, the quota will be increased, as this justifys the means.  However, in truth, we don't have much of an argument at the moment, seeing that we only registered 70kgs out of a possible 1500kgs!

Joe, it is therefore VITAL that FCD fully reserve the 500kgs quota to Recreational and ensure that this isn't taken by Commercial fishermen in order to allow the registration of catches that FCD are looking for.

However even if the EU mandates people to report their outings, if the season is closed early due to TAC utilisations then all permits become null and void and then I don't see why there is any justification to report one's activities as one would no longer be a BFT permit holder. @Shanook I did not see anywhere then if the season ends early this obligation also ends, actually it appears that you are expected to continue to report your activities until the 14th October.

I'm sure eventually there will be a set of concrete clarifications, but honestly until that happens I think that the applications should be suspended and put on hold until after the 5th May, in order to give people a final set of clear cut regulations and not conditions that keep changing or being amended. A closing date of the 26th and all this uncertainly is not a good start gentlemen :(

I hope that Mr. Galdes takes note as I know there are several people on the fence about whether or not to apply tomorrow and others who are considering refusing the permit once issued based on the current conditions. A month is still plenty of time if Applications are closed off by mid-May


Nick, nowhere is it stated that one needs to report one's activities once the BFT season is closed.  Once the season closes, that arrangement ceases to exist. 
Nick, your assumption is slightly off here.  The FCD issues a call for recreational fisherman to register their interest in acquiring a permit to catch and land BFT.  Unfortuanely things are running late, as the FCD needs to report to the EU on number of permits issues, etc.  This data also needs to be forwarded to ICCAT.
Moreover, Nick you know as much as I do, as we were together when the former DG of fisheries explained the allocation of quota to Malta, that in theory, that quota belongs to the commercial fishermen.  They are the ones who are entitled to it.  This was stated by the former DG, and you and I did not challenge that because we both knew it was true.
I fully agree with your statement on fence sitters.  It seems to have become a national pastime!
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Quote from: busumark on April 25, 2013, 20:10:46 CET
Quote from: benri on April 25, 2013, 18:31:39 CET
@busumark - Following the meeting held this morning, there are no restrictions on days or time when to fish, as long as the terms and conditions are adhered to.

@ Benri Only no restrictions on days or time are mentioned. The Place from where to go out is not mentioned so this district thing could still be valid. Never assume when dealing with government departments.

Discussions have not been concluded on this yet.  However, my understanding is that district refers to your port of call, so that the FCD indicates to you where you need to land your catches, if any.  I agree, Gnejna presents a challenge.trailered boats also present a challenge. I have no idea how to resolve this!
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Quote from: The_Gaffer on April 25, 2013, 20:35:29 CET
Nick, nowhere is it stated that one needs to report one's activities once the BFT season is closed.  Once the season closes, that arrangement ceases to exist.  
Nick, your assumption is slightly off here.  

Joe, sorry to disagree but this is open to interpretation and needs a proper official clarification. Page one states:

Conditions of Licence:

   All accepted applicants going out fishing must inform fisheries control of departure and return to port during the whole period between 16th June 2013 and 16th October 2013, even if they are not going out fishing for Blue Fin Tuna.

The written words are whole period, there is no specific mention of this ceasing to be required if the season closes early. That is where my interpretation is coming from and that is why I feel it needs clarification.

One your second point about TAC allocation, the allocation belongs to the country. The former DG stated he gave Commercial Fishermen preference first and before us, however you know in Italy it is the other way around. Given our numbers hopefully under this administration the balance will be a bit more on the fair side. I wholeheartedly support your comment that last year was a disgrace in respect of alleged landings vs. reported Rec landings, and we effectively have to start from scratch again.

I may be playing devil's advocate here BUT I know I prefer to know what I am applying for even if it is an expression of interest. Restrictions and regulations are coming but they must be fair and just and not rushed and ideally introduced gradually even if Malta is in breach of its obligations to the EU in this area, there are plenty of other areas where that is still the case and I am sure those too will be worked on gradually. These are my own personal views and concerns.


Ageed.  the 1st point was clarified in today's discussions.  I too agree that things are not being tackled in the appropriate manner.  However, the MFF is a latecomer to these discussions, so we need to improvise as we go along!

Second point is of more interest.  As you quite rightly put it, it is a matter of interpretation.  Italy do not use the quoata as most commercial fishermen as simply not interested in fishing for BFT.  So the recreationals get the higher end of the quota. I guess the tackle lobby in Italy is much more powerful than what we can ever imagine to have here.  It surely is a multi billion Euro industry, with local manufacture and supply. Whereever there is local manufature, which guarantees local emplyment, there is state intervention.  With the prevailing economic situation in Italy, only God knows what hype and arguments are being brought forward to support local manufacture. Remember trade unions are also very strong in Italy, and they will use all means possible to secure the whole tackle/fishing/trade/charter industry.  We are talking big big numbers here.  Italy has a population of 67 million.  Here in Malta local tackle shops sell just enough to compete with one small town in Italy, especially if that town is near a the coast.  Also, you remember our conversations with the President of Big Game Italia.  There lobby is so strong that they have people on the ground in Brussels to lobby in favour of their recreational activity.  Nick, we were invited to join them, remember?.  Imagine if we had joined forces.  So, please do not compare Malta to Italy, we are a non starter.  We have a Federation here that represents recreationals but also accepts MFBs, and we have this forum as a lobby. Then there are a few of us like you, me and Dr. Joe and a couple of others from different federations and clubs who go out of our way to promote fishing.  How many people here are members of the IGFA, or at least, log onto their site to see what is happening around the world as regards fishing and sustainability.  No, instead we waste our energy and efforts by missing the tree for the woods.  
Yes, needless to say, restrictions are on their way, so is tighter regulation.  We need to stay on the ball Nick, and nail certain illogical arguments there and then.  But yet again, we need to remain focused because as things stand, we're just recreational fishermen.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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I am somehow amazed how many are happy for this achievement when last year there were not such regulations and you all did not stop complaining. I complain when I feel the need to, without any second causes. And I compliment when there is the need to being it black or white.

500kg ???? scientific mentoring result..???? If catches are notified 1/2 an hour fishing for all season.... If the fisheries are by the pens, they will see the catches with their own eyes which I am sure they already did, but then blame the fisherman for not reporting it..

inform prior to depart fishing even if not for tuna.......so if i go spearfishing i have to call and inform that I will be out at sea.....

pens will be surrounded by more ropes and buoys...... happy fishing to those guys that spend a couple of hours for sawrell by the pens... x tahseb malvizzu....

Then go to marfa in my case and wait for the official, which is not thattttttttttt bad if he turns out in time if duly advised....

So having said all this..... I applied this year just to have the opportunity to apply next year as it happened before, and to get some flesh in my family's freezer........
Considering all this I better refuse it... but let's wait a bit and see what happens......

Upps by the way... did you see the damaged pens (rubbish) left alongside the reef at next to mistra bay for the last 2 years...I am wondering who the owner was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and why they were left there...... Maybe the fisheries Auhtorities did not notice them....Wondering only, If then, they can see below the surface of the water.......................

Cheers guys... this is my input
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


For the past 2 hrs I have been trying to find the EU regulations regarding recreational fisherman to catch tuna.
If anyone has they rules please either send by email or post them here or post the exact link here
I emailed EU office in Brussels and here in Malta.
These are needed before the federation meeting.


PS I called EU office in Valletta at 9.30 am and I got an answering machine saying that they are now closed but will open at 9 am................OIM


Ps I got a reply ans the answering machine was not switched off Human error these things happen....

In the meantime I also emailed Federation for a copy of the rules. Not the maltese rules but the EU rules. I know that Malta can add to them but I want to know what is EU and what is local.  to see what makes us as Gaffer said holier than the pope


@Shanook - I think you'll find what you need on the ICCAT site.  Goto www.ICCAT.org, highlight the management tab at the top of the screen, goto resolutions and recommendations.  You should be able to filter down to the documents you are looking for.
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@Shanook - there are also resolutions, signed by all ICCAT members - those are binding. 
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Got them Joe and in the meantime I also got a reply from the federation as well as from the Eu office in Malta.
well done and thanks to all


last year:
1: we were chosen with a lottery.
2: We had to tell where to land the fish (designated ports)
3: had to call FD 4 hrs before ETA
4: Had to tell whereabouts the fish was caught
This year
1: All who apply have a permit
2: We have to tell where we will land the fish (designated ports)
3: we have to call FD 4hrs before ETA
4: We have to tell the whereabouts the tuna was caught
5: All those with permit have to call FD everytime they go out whether for tuna or not???

So we improved in that all applications have a tuna permit, we regressed (terribly, threading on our rights) in that those who are not out fishing for tuna still have to call FD. We regressed in the amount of the catch (the excuse is that there wasnt any catch last year, as if Malta (commercial fisherman) lost the quota). Sorry not a good enough excuse. The first time I applied for tuna I didnt even have time to go fishing that the permit was withdrawn as the quota had been exhausted (that was the best joke ever)

This I cannot tolerate as its an imposition, If i go out for tuna I will call FD (recommended  by ICAAT, all boats fishing for tuna have to inform FD) but I will not, if I am not going fishing for tuna. I have already argued about the lottery on tuna days and it seems to be resolved, I will argue against this and I rather not hold a permit at all.
This is my opinion certain things make sense but this doesnt. I still dont agree that I have to go to designated ports and not mine But for now I can somehow understand that it is short notice but I hope that this gets resolved and we are treated as law abiding citizens. I am innocent untill proven guilty.


Oh by the way ICCAT says that the boats have to call to ports as indicated by Fisheries. But I think with a bit of good will on the fisheries part it can be easily resolved with good intentions from both sides.


Shanook as things stand now, all commercial fishermen who hold a BFT permit must at all times, even when not going out to fish for tuna, inform the FCD of their intentions.  So, the FCD is arguing that since the commercial guys have to do it, so do we.  It is now 2 hrs before heading to port that we need to inform FCD of a BFT catch, and not 4 hrs.
Next year the quota is set to increase.  So, it is up to us to report catches so that we can up our quota.   We all differ in our opinions, one way or the other.  The important thing is to be reasonable, and apply a good dose of common sense.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Exactly and there should be a distinction between large commercial fisherman and recreational ones. IF they want to treat us as equals in this then we should share the quota with them. One weight ........
As I said this is a local imposition and can't understand why we are accepting it so happily, oh well.