2013 Bluefin Tuna Permit (Proposed)

Started by skip, March 30, 2013, 20:38:30 CET

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Quote from: malvizzu on April 25, 2013, 14:47:34 CET
Has anyone ever considered the implications once you register for the BFT permit, whether you go out fishing for BFT or for any other fish? Once you are registered, they have the boat's registration at first hand. When a patrol boat or any other authority boat is out at sea and notices your registered number, they would surely head to your boat for inspections, whether you are fishing or not. Imagine how annoying and frustrating it would be to be stopped every time you are out at sea!!!!

Good point malvizzu.  As long as everything is in order, one should not have anything to worry about, right? :P
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Yes I know but still would be very annoying!
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


Thanks for the update. For those who have applied and will retain their permit I hope they have a good season and it is not closed early. As stated in my previous post, I have declined to participate in this year's permit as I feel 500kgs will not be sufficient and to then have to spend the 4 months reporting each time I go out for some fun isn't worth the hassle.

Hopefully in 2014 the quota will be as it should be and the mechanism tried and tested and tweaked if needed.


Upping the quota is really up to us recreational fishers,  If we register our BFT catches, then for sure, the quota will be increased, as this justifys the means.  However, in truth, we don't have much of an argument at the moment, seeing that we only registered 70kgs out of a possible 1500kgs!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: The_Gaffer on April 25, 2013, 13:28:09 CET
Quote from: Accjolaman on April 25, 2013, 13:08:42 CET
Quote from: EmicMalta on April 25, 2013, 08:58:18 CET
ma jlahqux ma dawk in nies kollha???? x jigifieri, meta tmur tistad sar tikser il ligi? dajes telajn lejn kemuna kulljum jaddu full speed ma jikkalkuwla lil hadt, specjalment bit turisti, u jekk tkun fil ponta ta l ahrax u kemuna kulhad tarah addej max xatt. Ma dawk zgur li ma jlahqux, mhux ax tohrog hemm barra u tiprova taqbad huta.
X ghandu xjaqsam il ksur tal ligi hi? mela ma qrajtx sew. jekk tirraporta li qbadt tonna mhux in nies tad dipartiment iridu jigu biex jirregistrawa. U int tahseb li jekk jinqabdu izjed min tnejn se jlahhqu.   

It-tnejn zbaljati hbieb.  Mhux huma jigu, pero intom tridu tmorru fid-designated landing sites.  Huma 4 dawn is-sites: Mgarr (Gozo), Marfa, Valletta (hdejn il-pixkerijja) and M'xlokk.  Huma dis-sena ser ikunu 8 minn nies.
U int bis serjeta tahseb li dawk tad dipartiment se jkunu hemm fil landing site jistennewk gurnata shieha??? mhux ghalhekk is saghtejn.


Accjolaman dik problema taghhom Jien naghmel skond il ligi imbad jekk ma jkunux hemm Jien nitlaq. Diga skumdita li irrid immur port iehor. U din ma naqbilx ghax Jien suppose nirritorna fil port tieghi. Issa naraw jekk nirrangawx din ukoll.


Pass iehor tajjeb grazzi ghal skip u gaffer.


Skip once the quota is used there is no need to inform that you are going out


Thanks for the explanation Joe - knowing why they need to know when we're out makes some sense now. In fact I also read that the Fisheries have issued a call for applications for Observers during the season.
Apart from that I think we're moving in the right direction even though there are other issues which need tweaking eg. ports of call. With some goodwill I know agreements can eventually be reached as I'm sure that it's also easier for Fisheries Officials to call at say Bugibba instead of Marfa!
I'd rather be fishing.....


Thanks for the update Gaffer and well done.
I went to register today and the lady insisted to choose a district. So this district thing has been abolished now?
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


Gaffer did you discuss anything about the district. If they are going to keep this system of the districts does it mean that I have to go always from that place even if i am not going for tuna although you can catch a tuna even if you are deep-sea fishing since i have to inform them everytime i go fishing.


@busumark - Following the meeting held this morning, there are no restrictions on days or time when to fish, as long as the terms and conditions are adhered to.
I'd rather be fishing.....


@Freedive - It would be great if we come up with these arguments on the 5th May ;)
I'd rather be fishing.....


Quote from: benri on April 25, 2013, 18:35:36 CET
@Freedive - It would be great if we come up with these arguments on the 5th May ;)

I second what Benri is suggesting here.  We can argue here until we turn blue in the face.  However, the fact remains that we need to present our arguments in the appropriate fora.  Our next opportunity will be the Sunday 5 May, at the Annual General Meeting for recreational fishermen.  My hope is that we all participate in a healthy discussion to demonstrate that we are very much aware of the situation at hand.  We must also reinforce our commitment towards exercising our right to fish in a responsible manner, promote sustainability, while demostrating a high degree of respect towards the fish we seek.  In other parts of this forum (on the Fish On thread) I have pledged my efforts to bridge the gap that exists between the recreational and the commercial fishermen.  I will use the TV programme Fish ON, as a vehicle to promote an environment of collaboration and understanding between the two sides.  My objective is that by year-end, we should be in a position to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the recreational fishing community and the 2 fishing cooperatives.  We need, in fact, let me qualify that, we must find a way how we can both continue to enjoy the benefits of fishing.  Commercials on the one hand to put dinner on the table for their family, and recreationals on the other hand to enjoy our passion, fishing.  
That my friends, is my ultimate objective.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: benri on April 25, 2013, 18:31:39 CET
@busumark - Following the meeting held this morning, there are no restrictions on days or time when to fish, as long as the terms and conditions are adhered to.

@ Benri Only no restrictions on days or time are mentioned. The Place from where to go out is not mentioned so this district thing could still be valid. Never assume when dealing with government departments.