2014 Bluefin Tuna Licence / Applikazzjonijiet għas-sajd rikreazzjonali tat-tonn

Started by skip, March 23, 2014, 17:55:06 CET

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Jien meta cempilt ukoll staqsitni jekk ghamilt notification qabel ma hrigt....qedilha jien hrigt ghal alungi mhux ghat tonn....jigifieri kul meta nohrog nistad irid noqod nghid tal fisheries...bla sens ma nistax nifhem....
DEADLIEST CATCH{ --> 18.5 ft Ranieri Soverato powered by 100 hp 4 stroke Yamaha & Yamaha Enduro 8hp


Sewwa qed tghid Steve.  Din kienet ivvintata wahda fil fisheries, ghax qalet la l-kummercjali javzaw qabel ma johorgu jistadu, allura id-dilettanti ghandhom jaghmlu hekk ukoll.  Li kien ghaliha din l-istess wahda, suppost dawk li johorgu ghat-tonn irrid ikollhom tracking device.  Miniex nirreferi ghal director General.  Hemm zewg nisa ohra hemm gew li minghalijom immexxu l-fisheries, u niddubita jekk jafux id-differenza bejn qasba u arblu ta' bqndiera
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Kevin G

emm bzonn tigi icarat din is-stwazzjoni, irridu nibatu msg ahna u hergin  jew ma iridux nibatu msg?
The Sea Sweeper :D


ghalxejn tigi icarata fuq dan l forum ax hafna nies li applikaw ma jidhlux fil forum u peress li fil permess ma hemmx miktub li trid tibat sms qabel tohrog dawn mhux ha jibatu sms. Din mandiex tintuza bhala skuza biex s sena d diehla jibdlu xi affarijit fuq l permess tat tonn


Quote from: Kevin G on July 14, 2014, 22:22:02 CET
emm bzonn tigi icarat din is-stwazzjoni, irridu nibatu msg ahna u hergin  jew ma iridux nibatu msg?
Tridu tibghatu msg qabel tohorgu. Tpaxxux nies, ghamlu li hemm bzonn.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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jiena ghalek saqsejt jek hemx xi persuna inkarigata li jaraf id drittijeit taghna. Jista jkun persuna normali jew avukat li jaf id drittijiet taghna, ghax meta jigri xi haga il kliem jibda jinbidel skond x jaqbel. Li gara lil Steave hija prova cara dak li qed najd.


The BFT regulations published on the 27th March 2014 directly mentioned the need to advise DFA before leaving port. I was unaware of this and as I applied like many of you via JoJo from the Federation I asked for clarification and he kindly provided the information.

You are right in saying it was left off the actual permit, but it did form part of the application requirements. Will upload in a moment.


SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


5. All authorised recreational fishing vessels have to notify the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture (DFA) before leaving the port and before returning to port at least 2 hours before arriving.

The pre-notification can be made by sending an SMS on 99674933 or by calling the DFAs free-phone on 80072240.



13. The fishing line used by the authorised vessels cannot be thicker than 160mm during the season

so what does this stand for???


Quote from: shanook on July 15, 2014, 09:57:12 CET
is the free phone applicable to mobile???

No..... when I called I got the usual annoying pre-recorded voice from my service provider noting that this call is not free...
Good season so far.....




SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Quote from: skip on July 15, 2014, 09:18:49 CET
5. All authorised recreational fishing vessels have to notify the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture (DFA) before leaving the port and before returning to port at least 2 hours before arriving.

The pre-notification can be made by sending an SMS on 99674933 or by calling the DFAs free-phone on 80072240.

Thank you Skip
Good season so far.....