
Started by fin, May 08, 2006, 12:08:38 CET

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Hi Alex. The restaurant is called Blue Cave.  Sorry for the late reply, I just saw this. I've been there yesterday infact. They have great food there. Wied iz-Zurrieq is a fantastic little village to visit. I myself, being Maltese feel I'm on holiday when I'm there. You can take a little boat trip to Blue Grotto from there, and If you have some extra cash and you're there on a nice day, you could convince one of the guys on the little boats to take you to Filfla. Its a small Island 5kms out from Wied iz-Zurrieq.
Seabrave 14 e-Tec 50hp


Ciappinu, thank you very much for the name of the restaurant. I will definetely visit it and Blue Grotto too!


Twoutes, thank you for a very nice photo of a shark! I've read your news with interest and very glad that you had a good time there! Pls continue to post photos of your catches. Always interesting and exiting to see and read your news. I feel like I have been fishing too! I am now booking my trip to Mauritius for mid of November this year and out of 14 days there 5 days I will spend fishing for marlins and sharks. Hope I will be as lucky as you! Alex


Guys, as I wrote earlier, I will be in Malta from 5th to 11th of April. Would anyone be willing to take me fishing with you? I can contribute to or completely pay for the cost of fuel, etc. We can discuss it. I can of course use some commercial fishermen, as it was suggested here earlier, but I would prefer to meet someone from this site, have a drink, go fishing and, in general, establish good personal "fishing" relationship with someone from Malta who likes fishing. What you say? if not fishing trip, then suggest to meet for a drink during one of the evenings, those days should be public holidays in Malta too? Alex


no public holiday from 5 - 11 april, not a lot of fish to catch at that time. maybe some squid or with bottom lines you can catch something


Can finally confirm that I will be in Malta from 5th to 11th of April and will stay in Europa Hotel in Sliema. Understand that no one is available for fishing on those days. So what about a drink during one of the evenings? Anyone available on those days? Alex


will see what shift i have then i try to catch you ;D
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married


Hi my 40 ft sailing yacht is available, should you want to do some serious night Swordfishing.... I saw a  swordfish yesterday about 3.5miles out of Dragonara.. May have been a Garfish or Needlefish of Msell imperial.. Caught some with a plastic Rixa last year. I would love to learn how to catch more.. HAPPY EASTER   Call anytime........ Dave


im new to malta and fishing so i never even seen a sword fish yet. whats the smallest size boat you need to go for them? im really hoping to get chance to go for them this year as last year was let down as the second engine falled as we left port and he did not want to go out with the risk of just 1 :-[
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married


The trick with sword fishing is finding the ridges and drop-offs where smaller bait fish hang about and the swords go in search of food. In the US there seems to be fairly well documented information concerning the location of sword feeding grounds but I don't know if we have the same here. Someone will have to speak to some old timer fishermen and see if they will divuldge some general info, though I doubt it!

In Malta sword fishing is done on long lines comercially, so we can't really use that as a basis for comparison except possible locations. We are trying out the US method of catching swords, where you find a ridge underwater, drop out 2 or 4 rods with u/w lights and freshly caught mackerel suspended off balloons at various depths. Turn off all lights (except an anchor light) or risk being run over and keeep a good watch out. You might also want to use something like a swordlight suspended off the back of the boat to attract bait fish, which in turn attract the swords.

But based on sightings, I don't think you really have to be that far out as visually they are seen quite close at night. I'm not sure whether they then go out far to feed??


skip what would you say is the smallest boat you can go out for them ... im planning in starting small then working my way up
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married


Basically you need something that is fairly stable. It doesn't necessarily need to be big, but needs to be quite beamy so its stable in the water. I saw a Kaptan boat driving past on a trailer that was around 18 feet but had a single diesel inboard shaft and quite wide.

The problem with a small light boat is that if you do hook into something decent you will probably have to cut your line if its out-powering you and pulling your boat along. Always go out as two people as you will need one person on the outboard and aim to fight the fish from the front, having the helmsman keep the boat pointed where the fish is going but probably he will need to do this in reverse. With sword fish you fight them on a much lighter drag setting, you will have to look up the ideal range.

One advantange we have here is that our swords don't get very big as they are caught too soon. But nonetheless they can do some serious damage with their bill. I've seen some scary pics when its been up behind the boat about to be brought on and it went ballastic and seriously damaged the boat. That's why when the fish is near the boat you ought to try and be in total darkness, no lights or spot lights on the boat (except a basic nav light, like anchor light).

It's hard to come up with a size, aside from stability and sea-worthyness but you have to take into consideration the physical size of the boat versus hauling it in and keeping two ppl, fishing gear, supplies etc. Also budget for a portable VHF and ideally portable GPS, two essential pieces of gear. If for some reason you drift out, you need both devices to accurately report your position, relying on a mobile is not a good idea and you need a GPS to report your position.



o well think thats me out then think i need a better job before i got out for them :-\
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married


Or better still, safety in numbers. People need to get over the mentality of not fishing (offshore with a boat at least) in numbers, it def. increases your chances. Now I'm not talking about fish like Dorado (Lampuki) because of the way they hang around near Cimi, one person gets them and thats it.

But open water trolling, there are definite advantanges to fishing as 2,3 or 4+ boats in a spread pattern. But for now maybe lay off those Swords and try for Alungi.



Just came back from Malta. Very nice weather, people and views

Visited Marsasxlock fish market and with Busumark's help Valetta's fish market too

Would like to share with you my photos. Hope you will find them interesting. Pls click on the link below:


Thank you, Alex