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Kayak Fishing

Started by Kayak Mike, March 07, 2008, 09:52:03 CET

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Kayak Mike

I operate a kayak rental business at Paradise Bay (near the Paradise Bay Lido) from April to October (weather permitting) and as I paddle a kayak (for exercise) most days I decided to combine my love of fishing with kayaking. Although kayak fishing is rapidly growing throughout the world, I have not as yet come across anyone here in Malta enjoying this way of fishing. Fishing from the kayak mainly involves either trolling or bottom fishing. As the speed of the kayak is a good speed for trolling it has been a bonus to catch fish whilst exercising. Kayak fishing also gives me the chance to fish close to some of the cliffs which are not normally accessible by boat. If there is anyone out there who is interested or who is also kayak fishing here in Malta, I would like to get in touch either through the forum, or my email address of, or on telephone 7990 5054.  (I am not seeking to promote my business interests in any way through the forum just to make contact with someone who might be interested in kayak fishing here in Malta.)
Kayaking and Fishing. The best of both worlds.


Hi Mike,

Welcome to the forum. As the site admin I see no problem with you promoting Kayak fishing via the forum, in fact perhaps we can do something to promote this a little better. I'm sure it's something that both local people and also people coming from abroad might be interested in trying and it would be good if we could let them know that something can be offered locally.

There's a particular guy based in the USA who is amazing when it comes to Kayak fishing (I forget his name), as he also catches very large 20kgs fish with a pretty wild technique for dealing with these large fish! If you google it or check on youtube I think you can find the guy.

Have you set up any of your Kayak's aside from your own personal one to have one or two rod holders for trolling or do you currently do it manually?

I'll drop you a pm to discuss some other aspects.



that a good idea Mike. A lot of guys that I know that go freediving would like to do it to. We will talk about it for sure

Kayak Mike

Thanks guys for the welcome. I look forward to participating and meeting the other members of the forum.

I would like to get kayak fishing up and going here in Malta and provide that as one of my business' services as well. I advertised kayak fishing on my website this year ( to see what interest there is for it here in Malta. I am based at Paradise Bay and my kayaks are stored there as well.

I carry my own kayak around with racks on my car as the kayak only weighs 18kg. I have rigged my kayak with a rocket launcher type rig which was made from 50mm PVC piping at a minimal cost. This rig is removeable and can be easily attached. It has the capability of carrying four rods, but I only use two rods on the kayak at a time. I usually only troll with one rod at any one time.
Gear such as rods, knife, gaff etc need to be attached to the kayak (just in case of a mishap) with a small lanyard to each item. The last thing that I want is to lose my rods etc. Other gear such as hooks, sinkers etc are stored in small tackle boxes which are contained within a handy hatch in the kayak. Lures are kept in PVC tubes that I made myself.  Gear that is carried is usually kept to a minimum as there is not a lot of space for excess, I might need it type, gear.

The gaff I use is homemade with a short wooden handle with a large debarbed hook fitted. As you are right beside the fish you are trying to land it works perfectly.

I carry a small pair of long-nosed pliers in a pocket on my safety vest (PFD) and a small first aid kit in the hatch.

I can rig any of my hire kayaks for fishing as it only requires a milk crate or similar, rod holder or two, some octupus/bungee straps and cable ties.

To me kayaking is a cheap way to get on the water with prices for suitable kayaks starting around Lm200 or so depending on where they are sourced.  I have some contacts and information regarding kayaks etc also.

Being an experienced kayak paddler is not a requirement as paddling is not all that hard and can be learnt in a short time. Stamina only comes through paddling so it is good to have a bit of fitness and get the muscles you will use accustommed to going out on the water for one or two or three or four hours at a time.  Also some basic safety precautions are required.

If you are interested or want to know more contact me and we will work something out.

Kayaking and Fishing. The best of both worlds.

Kayak Mike

Thanks EmicMalta

I often wonder why some of those guys who go spearfishing around the coast here in Malta don't do so from a kayak. They make a good working platform for spare gear, fish you catch etc, which you can anchor or tow and which allows you to paddle to your location, dive, spearfish etc and then get back on the kayak and paddle home. I have always found it easier to paddle home than swim.  Kayaks are not as expensive as a boat, no fuel to buy and no need to find a boat ramp to launch. What do you think?
Kayaking and Fishing. The best of both worlds.


Have used your service and am happy with both the kayak and your hire prices in fact i come with my boat to paradise bay and my 13 year old son always wants to paddle a kayak, its like you said fun and keeps you fit, however quite a job if you are overweight to fish from but for spearfishing its a very good idea. I think youu should make a offer to the members to try they out.
RASCALA 24ft. with DF225 hp SUZUKI v6 4 stroke


Hi Mike,
welcome on board here. Well, I think it is a fantastic thing to fish from a kayak. Once, I tried it at the isla Margarita (Venezuela). I could catch some very nice tuna. Not so big, but it was an impressive feeling. Well, ok, I fall out twice from the kayak but that was no problem in the warm water  ;)

Have fun here,


would love to try this out at the time i will obtain the driving license (hopefully in a week time)
Good season so far.....

Kayak Mike


Give me a call when you get that license.  Should be up and running in the coming weeks.

Kayaking and Fishing. The best of both worlds.

Kayak Mike

Hi visa

Thanks for the endorsement. I'm glad that you have been happy with my services at Paradise Bay. Please make yourself known to me when your next at Paradise Bay.  I am sure that I can give you and your son a special deal as a member of the Forum.

I agree about the extra poundage being a problem, as I'm not all that small myself as you know, however there is a kayak made for "most" people.  Some of the bigger kayaks on the market say that their maximum carry capacity is 300lbs to 500lbs etc, but the catch is they cost a bit more in price.

I am happy to offer members of the "Malta Fishing Forum" an opportunity to try out the kayaks.  All they have to do is contact me or come up to Paradise Bay and see me from Monday to Saturday (weather permitting) April to October.

Thanks again

Kayaking and Fishing. The best of both worlds.

Kayak Mike

Hi milchner

Thanks for the welcome. You'll have to try again here in Malta. The waters not so warm here which is a further incentive not to end up in it. Give me a call or come up and see me at Paradise Bay sometime this summer.
Kayaking and Fishing. The best of both worlds.

Kayak Mike

Here are some links to how kayak fishermen do it in other parts of the world.

The Video and Gallery section on the following site is worth a look -

The free online Kayak Fishing Magazine is also a good read the link is

Another link is to the UK Kayak Fishing Forum which is

Some of the sites may require you to register.  It is a pretty easy process and there is some good information available. I have a number of other sites which I have researched and can post them also if anyone is interested.

Happy surfing
Kayaking and Fishing. The best of both worlds.

Simon G

hey mike welcome to the forum  spotted any fish recently? simon
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman

Kayak Mike

Hey Simon

Not recently. I went back to Australia for 3 months and since i've been back in Malta it has been a bit too windy. Hoping to get back on the water within the next few weeks.
Kayaking and Fishing. The best of both worlds.


Just to add to this post, this topic is one of the most read topics on the forum in terms of people coming in directly from google :) Well done Mike, seems Kayak fishing is of great interest on the www