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tuna 2015

Started by trampas, March 12, 2015, 08:28:02 CET

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Kevin G

yep permits received around last week or before.
The Sea Sweeper :D


Marinello Eden 18 Evolution - 125hp Mercury Classic


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Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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ahna rcevejnih il gima l ohra ukoll.

hemm xi messa ?


ha jikalma naqa dar rih jew forsi nisimaw naqa reel ivenven?


Jista xi hadd jghidli jekk ghat tonn ma tistax tuza handline peress illi ma jissemmiex fil permess.
Fish to live and live to fish


Did anyone else receive their letter saying the tuna season is closed ? So apparently recreational fishers landed the entire 2000kgs quota already ???!

Kevin G

we have received it two days before it had to close, I mean that we received the letter on a Wednesday 05/08/2015 and they told us that by next Friday 07/08/2015 it will close. so apparently they have just closed it for fun/for nothing; since I don't know anyone who says that by next two days he will catch X amount of kg of fish.... if it was truly that the landing quota was reached they should have sent an sms saying that no more fishing is allowed  due to ....
The Sea Sweeper :D


Agreed Kevin!  That was my exact impression too!
I'd rather be fishing.....


It was closed just like last year................before the quota is reached.


Ircivejta jien ukoll f 5  :( importanti €20


I think, and this is just my personal opinion...that we suffered the same fate as the hunters.  The season was closed when the authorities felt that those who were granted a permit and those who were not granted a permit had abused the system.  Lets be clear on this please, and call a spade a spade, can you honestly say, hand on heart, that all tuna being caught during the open season for recreational fishermen was being declared?
I don't think so.
I like many of you here, have been shafted. We paid €20 to enjoy catching the fish of a lifetime...a blue fin tuna.  Its not about the money, its about the principle.  Were the necessary enforcement procedures in place to ensure that what was being caught near the fishfarms was being declared? Not really.  The fisheries gathered in excess of €10,000 in licencing fees...where did this money go, could it have been used to suppliment the expenses of enforcement?...these and many more questions remain unanswered since the fishing lobby in Malta is very weak, fragmented, and all bark but no bite. (And a very weak bark at that)

Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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jien darba biss mort, u jista jikkonferma persuna f dan il forum ghax mort ar rispet tijaw. Mort fis south u iddikjarajt li kont hiereg nistad hemm u anke malli thalt il gewwa. Tal fisheries rajtom il hin kollu jduwru u jiccekjaw id dajes u ma rajt l ebda tonn jinqabad. Dan kemm fuq id dajsa tijaj u anke mil hbieb li kienu vicin jistadu had ma rajna jaqbad wiehed.

Pero dik il gighma li kien se jalaq, naf habib tijaj li mar darbtejn, naf li beda jiprova jiraporta li hiereg u in numbru li beda jcempel ma bediex jahdem. MEta dahal luwra mar saqsa ghand tal fisheries u qalulu li kien hem xi hsarat. Issa jien bat msg id darba li mort u hadt ma ikkonfermali jek wasalx jew le, pero fejn nista nkun naf jekk jien gejc irraportat fis sistema li jiena kont hiereg jew le???


Mhux izzomm kopja tal messagg for safety...
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh