Some help?

Started by Bernie1157, October 13, 2015, 18:15:20 CET

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Hey guys,

Im more or less new to spinning. I've been trying to spin over this past year but had no luck at all. I've been trying different lures and rods, locations, used both braid and mono and was only lucky enough to catch one tiny 'cuda back in May (yes I released it back :) ). I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips or maybe if I explained what I'm doing somone could pinpoint what Im doing wrong.



Bernie, there are loads and loads of information in this forum about spinning. Just use the search function in the top right corner of the screen and you will get know all that you want.

octo hunter

Hi Bernie, if I were you I ll try to find someone who is experienced and ask him to come with you and show you what you are doing wrong. Do not try to ask to go with someone as you might get a lot of bad looks. Reading a million articles only will get you to nowhere.
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