Help - Fishing For Alungi

Started by Gazzetta, April 20, 2008, 12:44:33 CET

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Hi Guys, why not organise an alungi fishing spee together. The more boats there are, the more chance there is in getting them upto us. We will discuss this better at BBQ.

I always fish surface. One thing I make a point is to have flashes on my lures. I prefere skirts and feathers (or combinations) to hard lures. One thing I do is always add sone flashaboo or anything that reflects the light. That I found to be verry, verry effective. Prooven many times when I have similar lures placed at same distance from boat, and always get first strike on the flashy one.
Speed I usually go for 6knts. Although albacore hit on all speeds. Once I cought one while sorting out a tangle between two hand lines on a lure 6m from the boat, just moving to keep line away from props. That was a laugh getting the fish in with a tangled line. Another time moving from one place to other left line out at 12knts.
Midle rod I like to leave way out for any shy bill fish away from the comotion of boat. One thing I like to do with this rod:once the line is let out, I secure to release clip atached aft, then let out another 10-15m of line behind me from the rod tip. With the initial strike of bill fish it will come out from clip. The extra 15m will give the momentary hesitation for the fish to come back and swallow. With hand line this used to be a trilling feeling. Now all is lost with the rods. Yes true, you do enjoy playing the fish with the rod, but I sure miss it. lampuki no way with rods, especially when you see it fly towards the lure and strike, I die for that moment.

regarding bringing alungi aboard, as shanook told you before me, keeping the boat moviing slowly, we used to grabthem by the tail and just haul them in. Mind you, make sure you do it first time, if not the fish darts off on a suicidal spee.

Re the spool material, my motto was always go for the big fish, I fish with 80Lb line and floro carbon not longer than rod. Joined by swivel hidden under small squid skirt. I may not get a lot of fish, but I'll rather have a better chance of landing "my dream fish" when it comes.

Can't wait to go fishing


Thats a good idea Ramio.  I have read elsewhere that you can use small lemonade cans tied in a diasy chain and trolled behind the boat as a fish attractor.  Never tried it myself, but I guess its the same principle as a teaser.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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In order to outrun you and attract all the fish to my lures I'm thinking of putting my watch and also wedding ring for a better shine :-)
Looks like another windy weekend is coming up :-(
I'd rather be fishing.....


If your luck at fishing is something similar to mine Benri, most probably an albacore will swallow both watch and ring, and go get hooked up on sombody else.
Was talking to an old friend of mine who was probably born in the water. He said this summer we will get some good weather July the rest mostly windy. Sounds promising doesn't it. just my luck. When I was in sailing with dingies weekends used to be either dead calm or force 6+. Now that I'm in fishing its never calm!! Any body intending on stars please check mine!!
Can't wait to go fishing


Oh look on the bright side people........ and thank the lucky stars that we are saving so much money on gas...... We are also helping to keep the ozone cleaner..... the fish to grow bigger and have some fun before they get caught..... less moaning and grumbling of our women because we spend more time with the boat then with them......


haha i like the way you reason things out shanook lol


what can u do bigboy..... u have to take life with a pinch of salt or else u end up like crazy. I mean we worked and planned and got everything ready during the winter months just for a few weeks of fishing for Alungi and what happens....... we get the wind.....and as Ramio said its probably is going to stay that way for all this month.


Yepp shanook this bloody wind is gonna drive us mad. In one way im a bit happy cos im doing exams right now so nothing wil ldistract me loooolll issa i finish next thursday so maybe from next week we will get some nice weather although we r getting the big boat up next week but i can stil lgo for alongi :p



im still at sixthfomr shanook :p i think im the youngest here in this forum lol. Im doing my end of year exams right now


opps thought u were older well u youngest me oldest OH well....Good luck on ur exams and GO STUDY...........


haha i studied enough i need a break shanook:p we make a deal ok go do the exams instead of me ok ?? lool


hey i did my bit of studying now i leave those things for the young ones me i like to keep my mind lazy so as not to exert tooooo much pressure and lose a few millions of neurons.....dont have a lot to spare :)P



Bigboy in your case we change a bit the maltese proverb " lewwel il-pappa, mbad il-poppa"
tke care of the study, you'll have time for fishing. Good luck with the exams. You surprised me today. For somebody so young, you're packed with fishing knoledge. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Can't wait to go fishing