Alien Species in Malta?

Started by Arti2, April 28, 2008, 08:27:44 CET

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the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing

octo hunter

It seems that this year jellyfish is all around. These last two weeks was full of them with clouds of small ones not larger than 5mm. There's not enough fish to eat this pest so that's what we should expect for the coming years unless something really radical is done. Our situation is really difficult because the tourist industry iin summer will be hit hard by such news. Hope for the better.
The sea is blue, beautiful and wonderful.Look at it, livein it and respect it.


this is the result of over fishing especially of those that prey on jellyfish!!!


Guys appart from the well know Turtle who else eats jellyfish.

All I can think of is busuf and the star fish but this only eat them when they are near the rocks.


there is the tannuta, vopi, dolphins and sargi that also eat jelly fish.

With the amount of jellyfish we have, I doubt that there was ever enough fish to eat a good amount of them.  In my opinion, there is something wrong with the world (dont know if you want to call it global warming). As everyone knows we have been seeing an increase in alien species in the med.  I guess jellyfish are also part of the equation.



Quote from: Arti2 on May 17, 2009, 11:10:12 CET
There is also a yellow sea slug that I saw.

I will post my own pics of it.

These are my pics. Caught this one for the pic and then released.

Maltese to English Names visit


Awesome species. Hope you did not let her long without water.\
very nice.... Species I have never seen.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


In the pic its in the water!
Maltese to English Names visit


baghira qed tbezzani nispera li tara iktar meta tkun qed timmira xi huta

baghira i hope you see fish better than you are seeing this photo
Good season so far.....


nara nara
L-aktar mhux ghal xi huta imma.............
Ghal xi wahda tixxemmex fuq xi boat bhal-issa. ;D

Ma nafx x'ilma qed taraw?? Imma la qal hekk arti, hekk huwa zgur.

That would be nice in a marine aquarium.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


hi semplici baghira ara l vasett hu tara xi particles (frak) fir ritratt ta l ilma. anke r refractive index differenti

you can clearly see the particles of dust in the water. also the worm is very life, something that would not occur if without water

ija baghira issa jibdew jidru dawk li jikxfu jekk ma narawx hut ma niddejqux zgur he he he. nahseb int volontarju jekk ikollhom bzonn jidilku ftit sun block hux.....

now the girls will show up and we won't be annoyed if we see no fish!
Good season so far.....


Iva wiehed vazett u l-iehor barmil abjad. Dak difficli izzommu f'akkwarju minhabba irid temperatura u ilma perfett. Siehbi prova imma mietlu kellu wiehed.

BAGHIRA ara ma titlax fuq xi daghjsa fejn xi wahda biex tara ahjar!

Maltese to English Names visit


jidher sew li dak l speci ta mollusk qieghed go l ilma nahseb l yoga qed taffetwalek xi naqra l vista ;D ;D


In the following link one may find a very informative and factual article on the Portuguese Man-of-War.

A small note... The photo in the article was taken by me in February 2009 whilst spinning from Golden bay with clutchkick (who first first noted it).
fishing (noun) : A Jerk on one end of a line waiting for a Jerk on the other.   :o :( :( :( ;) :D ;D