Fishing for Barracuda

Started by kris, June 03, 2008, 15:27:35 CET

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no, it isn't quite sardine oil, that is good for mullet ect
it is kind of a women's lipstick. the sardine oil will wear away easily. i think the local shops might have imported some.
Good season so far.....


ohh ok....
i heard many friends of mine saying that cirkewwa, close to where the gozo channel parks, is good for cuda..

but why? are there more fish there?
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


vopi bring in cuda for hunting purpose, obviously. marfa is one of the best spots in my opinion, but i never got lucky from there. unlike some mysterious place of mine
Good season so far.....


during the end of this week...i'll try a couple of places...(exams finished glorja)

i'll give my feedback for any luck/bad luck...hehe.

99.9% would go back home bare handed, cos this would b my first time for cuda.

thnks nick... (meta ha namlu wahda ghal mulett?) hehe
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


no worries naghmlu sure
fis sajf ehh....... bhalissa hassle shiha exams qabel 14th june ma nispiccax jien..... u mmut ghal dive qijed lol. s sibt nzilt ftit sal bahar gibt ftit rizzi ghal ikel. ;D ;D ;D
irrid nipprova r recipie gdida issa ghal mulett sippost ha tkun success

l aqwa imma li gibna l licenzja tal car, ghax kient ftit hassle ghalija naghmel kwazi kollox b tal linja
Good season so far.....


jien 5th june lahhar gurnata... f-gimghatejn amilna kollox... lol
ijja anka jien ghandi naqa ricetti godda...irrid nippruvhom.

so back to barracuda...the bigger the lure is, the better? (i'm still new for cuda)
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


imsomma, 10-15 cm work best red heads huma l aqwa ghalija, imbad yo zuri li jleqqu13cm. fuq il yo zuri nnutajt li huma hafna iktar aggressivi. l ahhar red head li kelli hadli kollox kien
Good season so far.....


jien adni kif xtrajt yo zuri c5 redhead f11. nahseb killler e! tidher serja!
my yo zuri red head white with shiny body, between 10 and 15cm first one to try!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


hey guys thanks for the very interesting information!! :D I will give it a try on wed very early morning if i manage to wake up lol :P Will keep you posted on how things went. Btw good luck with your exams!! I am a university student too and my last exam would be on frid (ejja ha nlestu ax xbajt lol).

Tight lines!!
15ft Marino Atom 450 Powered by Tohatsu 30hp 4-stroke Fuel Injection

28ft Luzzu Powered by Twin 45 Hp Perkins


aw nies mort ta dalodu. mort ic-cirkewwa fej jorbot il-vapur fil-moll tal-genb. wasalt em xi 5.30. ikolli najd li jew mux qed namel l-affarijiet sew jew inkella ma di id-darba l-anqas biss rajt lizz jew xi cervojla tigri wara l-lure. =/

uzajt surface u diving lures. issa nahseb nixtri xi surface popper u nipprova lilu. barra minn malta naf li jahdmu zgur. issa nipprova aw malta.???

15ft Marino Atom 450 Powered by Tohatsu 30hp 4-stroke Fuel Injection

28ft Luzzu Powered by Twin 45 Hp Perkins


Jidher li kulhadd ghaddej bl- ezamijiet hawn gew hehe. intkom l univerista u jien tal junior college. Igri jasal 17th june ha nlesti hihiii. Umbad jibda s sajd bis serjeta lol. I need to take up the boat ax ila 8 months fil bahar f gima tkun lesta u nerga nnizzel u nitlaq il-barra :D


ma nafx ghala kris....

maybe the lines are thick? or water was clear??
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


Jew forsi ma kienx hemm hut :) ir rieh jaffetwa daqxejn mhux hazin, jew almenu hekk nahseb, wara daqxejn sajdiet mhux hazin tibda tinnota certu pattern bejn ammont ta hut u direzjoni tar rieh.

U poppers jahdmu aw malta wkoll, uzhom filodu meta ma jkunx hemm dawl, jien insibom hafna ahjar min lures normali. Specjalment il plamti narhom juru hafna iktar interess fill poppers milli surface jew diving lures. jidirli lahhar hadd ta mejju konna xi 6 nistadu min fuq moll go port, mis 6 sas 6:45 qbadt zewg plamti u lizz, sa fejn rajt jien ma rajt il hadd iktar itella huta, jtsta tkun kwistjoni ta luck jew jista jkun il popper !


freman ghandu ragun, gieli ma jkunx hemm hut... parir ghal spinning hu li tmorru hfief kemm jista jkun.... u imxu minn post ghal iehor.... l lizz mhux huta li jfittex, trid ssibu... huwa naqa 'lazy fish'

bicca basket u xejn toqol u imxi u prova. qis li meta timxi taghmel hafna iktar area! u fittex ghal bait splashes u hekk ghax jaf ikun qed zzom hemm. l bait splashes normalment ikun vopi li jkun qieghed jigi attakat

gd luck guys hallu naqa alija ehh
Good season so far.....


Good season so far.....