Tips on sawrell

Started by Freeman, June 09, 2008, 09:20:10 CET

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Hi all, was wondering if there was anyone who can give me any tips regarding sawrell fishing!

Went a couple of times so far where ppl told me it was supposed to be full of them and I still have to see one. So I'm using a standard running leadger with .18 mono, hniex tal korea as bait (illixkat shieh). Problem I have is that i have no clue about this fish, not sure if it's a bottom or surface dweller to start off, also no clue if hniex is the right way to go! Any tips would be appreciated.

Regards Cliff


fejn ppruvajt ghalija? nahseb fejn l pixkerija tajjeb.... jien kont mmur ghalija b hand pole u bit tunnag mmelahl (lahmu ahmar)... meta jarmu l irjus tat tonn tibda s sajda  normalment ghalija ghax tidhol max xatt....

dejjem jghidlu li jkun hemm ifem, imma da l ahhar naqset hafna mal kosta

hawn min kien jistadila pater noster hemm, anke bil float speci ta bolognese..... jekk tmur s hemm tara hafna tibda issa jistadulha. malli jarmu l rjus tat tonn tidhol taraha max xatt sahansitra gieli f zewg metri ilma

anke lacci hajja kienu jistadula biha ukoll.

bhala huta naraha kemmxejn mezzana, mix huta tal wicc ghalija bhal lampuka, ezempju imma mix huta li ha zzom mal qiegh sakemm ma jkunx hemm xi erba rjus tat tonn. t tonn tiggenen ghalih hi
Good season so far.....


sawrell ta limperjal jew mil  iehor?


mperjal dan imma mill iehor jaqbdu ukoll, ma nafx kif trid taqbdu imbad.... gieli qbadtu bil farka l kommuni mill msida
Good season so far.....


spinning ma jinqabadx???

nara hafna pero dejjem jikkacja jkun.


nimmagina li tsita imma normalment rejxu bil haj alih imma possibli nahseb
Good season so far.....


that fish is always chasing small fish even with a cawla you can catch it i think.


Li kont minnek man niprovala bi spinner zghir ghaliex meta jkolla l guh tiggennen ghalih. Freeman tista ukoll tistada b qasba tal idejn u bil gambli ghaliex il gambli tmiss hafna fuqhom hafna ukoll.


ras hanzir used to be a lot of sawrell. the best bait is live sardin but even tumbrell and shrimps are good. best time was between october and december. i used to catch most with a 3mtr hand rod but even with an 8mtr hand rod you catch also


Hi cliff,
Ive caught them before on tumrell as busumark said from ras hanzir in the winter time 2 years ago (december) & also did a good session once for them on top water lures in early march 3 years ago,but this was one of those 'freak' occurance type of things cos there were tons of them! tons of fisherman there the next day too!!!
But if you intend to use bait i think tumbrell or tunagg is the best way to go in my opinion or a live sardin or lacca.
Tight Lines mate


What??????????? you go fishing at ras hanzir????????????

And the fish????


I usually put them back or give them to someone there!!
The only diesel i use is in my car....when there i cleaned one and it was literally reeking of diesel fuel... :P
which is why i dont go there very often! in fact i usually only go with a guy i work with for the company more than anything else!


Yeah I am fishing from ras hanzir aswell, basically the thing is I'm a bit sick of spinning from there as the fish u catch are good only for the stray cats in the area, so I tought i would give it a try for sawrell tal imperjal since apparently there's loads of them there, mind u I still have to see 1. Fishing with a hand rod is not an option for me as I hate it, so I tryed some bottom fishing as at least I can put them back at sea after u land them, where as spinning ull end up gaffing the fish and basically kill them for nothing.

I had quite a nice morning actually with 2 rods both with running ledger, cought some pretty huge mutilated sparli and loads of small pagell but no sign of the sawrell. maybe it's becouse i'm fishing in the bottom but i'm not sure, that's y I asked for info about them so I can maybe change from running ledger to using a bombarda or a running float, tough running float I'm not sure if it's an option due to the gizillion lacci covering the surface which i guess will rape my bait in a second.


Thats a problem then Cliff! If there are that many lacci around then it'll be pretty difficult to get the sawrell to take a dead bait! And like you said if you try fishing a running float with dead bait the lacci etc are just gonna gobble up your bait before your running float has even had a chance to set!

I suppose you could always try catching a few lacci and try live baiting on the surface or even mid water with a big running float rig,although you'll surely have more sucess on the surface.
Myabe with a slow retrieved bombarda just below the surface.

In fact they are not exactly surface dwellers but thats where they attack mostly,also thats the reason when they are there at ras hanzir that they have that diesel/fuel oil smell!

Or you could just try spinning with a bit heavier rod and swing the fish you catch on to shore (like what i have to do at bahrija) and then just release them normally,but as there is that much livebait you mentioned there i doubt whether the sawrell will pay too much attention to a lure...


freeman i have to be sincere with you...... i used to go there fishing and also know a lot of people from there... there are the cassar workers which when i used to play football they used to take me fishing there sometimes....

it has been a while since some sawrell ta l imperjal has been caught, in dec there was some action and if they want to bite.... i saw people getting them on a dried piece of kavalli he found there on the platform... probably old 2 to 3 days

there is some big lizz there, in fact sometimes i saw ones 5kgs+ and the biggest one i rekon to be caught was around 6.5kgs

however i don't like the place, especially the smell of air which is highly polluted
it is way better to try near pixkerija or black pearl now in summer, especially near pixkerija where it moves in.... there will be people staying fishing there for days(i know a guy) ... you will see a lot trying their  luck sure but in summer it is usually good for some lizz only at ras hanzir

well with the persistent increase in diesel i guess these fish would be perfect for fossil fuel with all the pollution present there
Good season so far.....