Going Fishing

Started by shanook, July 28, 2008, 13:30:33 CET

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shanook and myself went out same place as you Jonathan, but no luck we had one bite but no hook up, so very well done,
RASCALA 24ft. with DF225 hp SUZUKI v6 4 stroke


I was out this morning as well,got 2 bites early morning but no fish.Then caught one at 8.30 very near filfla.But nothing after that.Just a couple of beer from san tumas!!
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Quote from: visa on July 29, 2008, 17:22:45 CET
shanook and myself went out same place as you Jonathan, but no luck we had one bite but no hook up, so very well done,

Tony, think it's time you moved up to St. Pauls Bay and start heading out to Visa's hunting grounds!


was thinking about it nick. I will do it sometimes next week or week after as i will troll the fads then move out for BFT and then back to St pauls base


Anyone giving a try for alungi of bft tomorrow on filfla side ??

Chris  8)


Probably worth trying Chris. There's the spearfishing competition in the morning and then a bbq later on around lunch time. I reckon there are good chances of catching both BFT or Alungi tomorrow and probably alot of ppl will be out!


3rd August: Me and Visa are going for a fishing leaving from B,Bugia, trolling about 6 miles off filfla and following the second ridge all the way to Gozo then heading to base in St. Pauls Bay.
maybe and thats a big maybe we do a spot of deepsea as well.
check u later guys


Good luck Shanook I'really wish you could find a good spot cause my spots are getting all VACUUmed from Professional Fishermens and they left only small ones for me to catch and release :)
Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke


thanks mate: didnt do the west side as we left for B'bugia at 5.30 so we did the east side went out about 6 miles and trolled to Bugiba. got back just about sundown.
Yep its getting harder and harder to find some decent fish. All we have to do is keep on trying thats all. I will have a go on Gozo side during the week.


on 6th August 2008 i am going by the tuna pens at St Pauls. from 5 to say 7.30am using kavalli as bait. first time this year that i am going to try for the big ones


Hemm qedin shanook ;) naf xigifiri ax qatatli wahda hasritni kif rajt nil landa ittir min god dajsa


they were not there this morning bigboy. stayed till around 10am. Me and Busumark did a bit of surface fishing for garfish (imsell), they learn quick as after the first two it was hard to catch more. Busu managed to catch about 6.
will try again maybe this evening  or friday morning


i think you are teaching them shanook. next time tell them that you are with holidays


le jien ma natix private lessons mark ........


trying for tuna tomorrow morning 7th August with Busumark.