Going Fishing

Started by shanook, July 28, 2008, 13:30:33 CET

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Kaptan Jr

hi mates today we went for a half day as gazzetta said but it there was a lot os well. we went for kahli but we didn't catch any. we only caught some bottom  fish.............;-(
Katpan 15ft, Cuddy cabin and powered with twin 50hp TLDI Tohatsu outboard engines


Went out with lamacca this morning, we left from msida slipway so we could get used to it at around 5:30, did some trolling till it was dawn with no strikes until we decided to do some bottom fishing. Had a strike while I was reeling in on a surface lure, the fish hit us horizzontaly and rushed it's way to the shore, in a matter of seconds while i was still recovering from the panic and trying to adjust the drag a huge yact passed silently by us grabbing my line on the way. Lost some line an xrap and worst of all what could have been my best fish. After bottom fishing for an hour Lamacca decided to hook a live sawrella on a float which resulted in him landing a nice cervjola. We cought some nice pagell and sparli, overall not a bad morning.


Can't imagine all the saints and angels you brought back down to earth !!! Stupid skippers  >:( :-\

Chris  8)


It was not his foult, we had the motor switched off, the fish went srtait from left to right and didn't even dive down so most of the line was in the air and the yact was too close to us to be able to do anything. Tough luck man.


Tough luck freeman maybe next time you will have better luck


so freeman catch of the day was 'some nice pagell and sparli, and a yacht and u say its not a bad morning so what were u expecting a super yacht??? :)P


Actually it was a pretty huge yacht shanook :) I bragged/sweared and moaned about it for an hour but it's not worth it to ruin a day for some bad luck and besides my buddy cought a deceant fish with a new method and he was ecstatic, so yeah not a bad morning at all :)


That sucks freeman!  :(  but like you said its not worth ruining a days fishing over some bad luck..there's always next time mate  :)


Bad luck Freeman,at least you caught something ;)
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Heh i was quite happy about that cervjola yes , can't blame me it,s probably the biggest fish i cought yet .
13 Foot Seastar 400 (bahri kind of)
15hp Suzuki
3.5hp Seagull 40+ Longshaft  (Yes it works , yes it leaks oil)
3.0hp Seagull 40  Longshaft 60 years and it's my best one !
1.5hp Seagull 40- extra short shaft
5 hp Gutbrod Short shaft Air cooled.


Any pic lamacca?Not of freeman but ;D
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Went out trolling today with ForTuna,  caught 1 kubrita in the 1.1kg range and 1 cervjola.


Chris  8)


Today went some shore fishing with camkev and after some trolling.

As for shore fishing we caught some nice sized mulett and 2 awrat which are very nice.

@ 4 went trolling for a plamtu but we were not planned to go trolling so we left our rods at home. On our way in we hooked one on some very light tackle and managed to get it very close to the boat many times but as it was ready to be gaffed it spat the lure and said bye :(


Went spinning , Everyhting was going as usual (except not catching anything :P) and then all of a sudden i felt asif my reel jammed up....I thugged the rod and after that the drag just speeded off, the fish left me with barely any line on my reel and as soon as i realized it was coming to an end i tightened up the drag, as i did this the fish kept on pulling the rod was on the very end about to snap but the line was earlier and the fish took my lure and almost all my line...it left me speechless !...This time the fish won =/


Sods law, if you were to have had a bigger reel etc you probably wouldn't have caught that fish! When I had light gear I used to get hit but monsters alot more!!