Fishing on sikka il bajda

Started by Searay, August 10, 2008, 22:17:29 CET

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Hi new to this forum and i must say that ive found it really interesting. prosit lil kulhadd. ive been going fishing on the sikka il bajda for a couple of years now and have caught some nice fish using shrimps. however using shrimps can get a bit disappointing coz you can start catching small fish and i want to start experimenting on other bait. other fishermen suggested hniex tal-imperjal and bibi...anyone tried these baits on the sikka, and did they give good results? thanks

Simon G

if you fish at night yes during the day try sicc or clamari
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


what are u thinking of catching from sikka l'bajda. Are there some big fish there? the largest i caught was a Hmar ta 1kg. never caught anything big; Arajjes, brieqex, tragni, ruzett, pagell dawk.



Sikka l-Bajda is around 1.5-2 miles North East off Mellieha Bay
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if u realy want to try to experiment ..prepare a xlif with big hook and no sinker  and hook up maby a whole cuttle fish (sicca) or maby whole bait like lacci or sardine....and leave it drift gently to the bottom the time u can stay bottom fishing as usual...ive tried it a couple of times in my area and has always produced something ..sometimes a nc dentex or maby a grouper etc


its hard to get a grouper on the Sikka il bajda. Maybe a dentex but for a grouper I only say some few ones less then 1kg. Lot of nets over there. SArgi sometimes there is but should be with some current.


Thanks for all your comments and suggestions...tomorrow im gonna give it a try...will let you know how it goes


searay i called u on channel 10. Passed by sikka l'Bajda around 11am


Damn it shanook...i had to go in early and was in xemxija by 10am! How was it? Caught anything? i went trawling for an hour, before actually fishing on the sikka and caught a 3kilos baracuda on a rixa tal-lampuki!!! You wont believe it, i had a rapala especially for baracudas on each side of the boat and had a rixa tal-lampuki in the middle close to the boat and it got hooked on it! The sikka yielded the usual stuff, nothing great. Do you usually keep it on channel 10?


well either channel 10 or 6.  we didnt stop on sikka bajda but went out on about 8 miles for a spot of bottom fishing which didnt yield anything.


shanook you didnt catch anything again i think its because of the hammer



shanook knows what it means its the weight hammering the bottom. last time we went i think that we were going to find oil.


gazetta when bottom fishing we are usina a weight of about 1kg. we lift it off the bottom but with the rocking of the waves it keeps hitting the bottom like using a JCB so we say hammering the bottom