New Members - Please Introduce Yourselves

Started by skip, August 28, 2008, 10:19:01 CET

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Perla 165

imma kif trid thossok importanti big boy :P ( nitne**k king) wlc abord lydon
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


veru prosit ta din is-site jina gdid lewel darba li qiad nikteb titqux bija manafx nikteb
jisimni joe(ghigi)
  mil belt ghandi tnejn dajes wahda ta piter u ohra  amerikana  proset (bigboy)


Welcome fil forum Joe ;)

Hawn kollha familja wahda ahna



Joe (gigi) tikteb ma tafx, imma min jafek kulhadd jaf xtaf


Perla 165

dw joe, dis site mijix al dawk in-nis li jafu jitktbu jew le so ...... welcome abord :)
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


Big boy, ghatlu hekk ghax lien wiehed mil belt u nafu sew. GIGI irsisti daqxejn hall tmur tajjeb nhar il hadd, fit tieni gurnata tal competition ta Marsamxett. Jien hemm inkun nisteninkhom ha nizlilkhom.


Nixtieq nejdlek gl jien ukoll min hawn. Jalla tmur tajjeb u shabek ukoll


quick intro....I just sent a message to see if some one would take me and my son out..I am 48 yrs old, started to spearfish at 10 (my son started at 8 and is now 16). Former world record older in finswimming, fished all over the world especially for blue water. Best US athlete (though I was born and raised til 18 in Italy) at the 98 freediving world cup. I write for Pescasub whenever I find the time. on facebook I have some pix of catches. thanks for your help guys. peppo biscarini


Hi Peppo, welcome to the forum, from what I've read on your site and the Internet briefly this morning, it's certainly an honour to have you with us.


hi all
Im jason i work at the education division i am 36 years into beach cast/ ledgering and bait fishing.....found out of this site while surfing
Gone fishin', be back at dark-thirty!


Hi guys, wellcome to all. I don t write in this topic due that wish to leave only posts from new members. Due that malta is small, I suggest that placeing a picture connected to the post (own picture with a catch) and even the town will be more helpful.

For example I used to talk with rammx and freeman without knowing that where from siggiewi. Like this we can arrange and meet up more easy even for just 2hr fishing or diving


Welcome to all the new guys. Nice to have you join our forum.

Translation: merhba lil membri godda kollha li ghogobhom izurhu dan il forum.

Can't wait to go fishing