What Tackle Should You Bring
Coastal Trolling
20lbs Boat Rod and Similar Reel (Okuma Classic 45) Small Rapala Style Lures and Pins Minnows Feather Lures, Small Squids
Offshore Trolling
30-50lbs Trolling Rod and Lever Drag Reel 40lbs Mono filament with 60lbs fluorocarbon leader
Rapala Style Lures, Tuna Feathers, Daisy chains etc
4-8inch lures are ideal
PE 4-5 Rod (30-50lbs) good quality 8-10K size reel
40-50lbs Braid with 60-80lbs fluorocarbon leader
150-320g jigs, 7/0 - 10/0 assist hooks
Shore Fishing
(Courtesy of Charles Caruana - President KSFA Malta)
Light tackle spinning rod and reel
Line Diameter 0.14-0.18mm Small Hooks (size 8 common) and Weights Floats as required depending whether bottom fishing or float fishing Pole Fishing 7-8m rod Long Keep Net
Pater Noster (Rocky Bottom) and Running Ledger Rigs (Sandy Bottom), Running Float
Recommended bait: Cray Fish (xkal) available on order from fish shops, or various worms found from tackle shops, bread can be added to the above bait.
For more detailed advice log in to the forum:
www.maltafishingforum.com/talk |