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" Hgiega "

Started by Perla 165, September 27, 2008, 21:32:29 CET

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but what is illegal to use the hgiega just to see the bottom or to use the hgiega to look for octopus and than catch them with a gaff ? they have to explain the law well there is a difference between these two things


cladaland can u tell u where u found the stated regulation thanks


just copy and paste this on google.

Perla 165

99% bhalma qal robby017 li gejja xi licenzja. ax inportanti li tindunaw li klx qed jamel hazin ... bhal din lol, izda jek thalas xi haga alija fis sena ( taxxa) ok emmek mint tamel xjn hazin u halik tuzaha...
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


Quote99% bhalma qal robby017 li gejja xi licenzja. ax inportanti li tindunaw li klx qed jamel hazin ... bhal din lol, izda jek thalas xi haga alija fis sena ( taxxa) ok emmek mint tamel xjn hazin u halik tuzaha...

propjament, bhal ma semmew qabli, ga eda hekk........ li irrid ikollok licenzja diga biex tuza hgiega.... u bhal ma qal il busu.... il ligi eda hekk habba l qarnit!
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Quote from: caldaland on November 25, 2009, 16:52:43 CET
just copy and paste this on google.

that is gold. thanks. guess people wont end up talking about much when decide to enforce.


youre welcome fishnoob


It's been on the forum for a while in Maltese (In the Fishing regulations section);topic=1433.0;attach=1158

For some reason the one we had up in English was called Subsidary legislation 10.12

thanks Caldaland, have uploaded what you found



ma tantx hemm xtaghmel. ahraq id dajsa (ma tantx han nsib minn irid jixtri), aqta id dawl, it telefon u nighex bhal zmien il hagar. ma x'pajjis tal mickey mouse.


U le taqtax qalbek, Shanook. Meta trid nigi jien mighek, indendlek rasek lisfel, u inzommok minn saqajk, ilbes il maskla u nuzaw din is sitwazzjoni flok il hgiega


mela ma nafx noghom jien..........jine diga bdilt il hgiega u ghamilta perspex u inkun qed nobdi il ligi hi


tajba mulett75.
mela ma tafx x'qed tghid biex izzom li shanook rasu l-isfel???? Peres li fik hafan int ukoll.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Shanook - jekk tieghek ghamilta tal perspex tieghi ghamilta tal kristal.
baghira - jekk fil kas ingibu lill xi hadd li fih aktar minnhi, bhal BIGBOY!!!!!


hahaj jien fix nodhol aw :P