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Started by Xtajn, October 10, 2008, 19:33:02 CET

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Perla 165

you can also... put it in a plasic bag and sit on it : ) just to feel it , cheers lol  ;D 8)
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


interesting how many differnet ways to kill a morina! will try some and see what works best when i catch one, and i would like to ask the guy who asked the first question, xtjan i think, DID YOU CATCH ANOTHER ONE AND KILLED IT? IF YES TELL US HOW:):) NO SHOTGUN I HOPE


Have looked into this as have caught quite a few latley , the best & hopefully the least cruel way of killing it is to chop the head off . Came across this video of how they kill them in Tiawanese restaurants.
Galia 440 outboard 40 Tohatsu


loool nice vedio tantaka
Ghalla Thilandiza il-qatla lol


loool nice video tantaka
Thailand's way of killing lol


Isma l-ahwa, jien qaddis minix u xi morina meta jitolbuni xa wahda naqbada wkoll, u veru hija huta xi ftit jew wisq ta min jistmerra, imma dik hija in-natura, Heqq mhux kulhadd sabih bhali :P

Imma certu kliem krudili nipprova kemm jista jkun nevitah, Tinsewx l-ahwa, dan kulhadd jista jarah, titfghux gebel fuq saqajna jahasra................. :-X


Listen guys, I'm no saint and when asked to do so I catch a sea ray and it's a sea creature which isn't that nice but that's nature. Not everyone is good looking like me :P

But certain work words like cruel should be avoided, remembre the forum is public and anyone can surf through it, be careful guys . . . . :-X
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Perla 165

LOOOL nice video, imma krudili wisq....  al kem ekk daqqa u  mietet ... imma jek thalija tmut wehed toqod tmut bmod naturali ija krudili ukoll...


LOOOL nice video, but it's too cruel.... altough that's just one hit and won't suffer ... but if you leave it to die by a natural way would be more cruel...
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


When I'm diving I very rarely catch morays - last time I caught one was about 1 year ago as a friend of mine wanted one and I shot the first large one I encountered (was with Simon and Edward). Although I never tried eating a moray, I never shoot them as a general rule, as it's hard to kill them - I always shoot at the head or as close to it as I can get but it always takes long to kill such a fish - maybe I'm soft and spearfishing is not good for me...but I hate slow deaths!
Man will never be able to stop time but he can get very close by freediving.


I don t like fishing for morina much.One is the danger after catching and two what to do with it afterwards .When i tried to eat it was excessively full of bones .Maybe you have some kind of trick how to clean it or cook it?
Barracuda catcher


ma tantx jien kapaci biex insajjar pero ohti u hafna nies jghidu tajba hafna al-aljotta, u ohti tghid li togobha bhala huta wkoll...pero jista jkun ax li qeda miehu jistad u qatt ma jaqbad xejn allura qatt ma daqet huta tajba:):) :)
pero issa nsaqsiha kif l-ahjar tamilha

i am not a very good cook but my sister and a lot of other people say its makes very good fish soup, and my sister says she likes it as a fish as well....but maybe because her partner goes fishing but never catches any decent fish :) :) :)
But now i will ask her the best way to cook it  (shanook)


Thanks for the info.For -aljotta i think it s good because you prepare it and the remaining of the fish ,be thrown away.its meat seems good but with excessive bones like netted from inside with bones.
Barracuda catcher


Jiena meta imur  nistad inhob nitfa qazba blazar sunara 1 u vopa shiha u meta naqbat xi wahda  lahjar li insib li kont ninza il kalkura u intija daqtejn tajba fdemba u taxixa loool. Smajt ukol li aw min jaqtala bica min demba u tigi mansa hafna din adni ma pruvajtix ax ilni ma imur alijom

when i go fishing i always like to use a rod with cable wire and hook a whole bouge and when I catch one, the best way i find to kill it that I take of my sandals and hit it hard on the tail and it gets tamed. heard also that there's who cuts a piece of the tail to tame it but still i've didn't tried it out cause recently i wasn't going fishing for them (fishfinder)

Perla 165

Dik thablu raskom xejn bix toqtluha lahwa... aqbdu u poggu fuqha ux : ) nejd il verita, qatt ma qbad mil lart bil qasba morina....  ma nafx forsi se tistema banali, imma jek taqbad u tixheta go basket ezempju mhux tithabat fih bla periklu al hadd?

Dont worry as to how to kill it, my friends......just sit on it eh :) to teel u the truth, i never caught one from land with a rod...i dont know maybe it sounds silly, but if u had to release it in a basket or bucket it wouldnt be able to harm anyone? (shanook)
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


I can vouch that it makes a nice fish soup (aljota). Its nice to eat as well or added to the fish soup.


If you want to catch morina from the shore go to Sliema where the captain morgan boats go from and walk up to the left and fish in front of the church up to the hotel swimming pool. fish on the bottom useing smelly fish,not fresh, as bait.the bait wants to be approx 2 inches by a quarter of an inch. don,t strike when the rod tip moves leave it  untill the line starts moving. use size one hooks .GUARENTEED.
If you can't eat it don't kill it.


sorry to wake up a dead topic guys....
last sunday i went to the normal fishing spot (from land), using shrimps...
i started fishing as usual, 5m rod...all of a sudden the rod dived into the water...after a few minutes of struggle a morina came up to the surface (1st morina). As soon as i saw the morina, the diameter of it was very close to a normal cocacola 2L bottle, i slowly gave it time to tire it out, after a while the morina dived into the rocks. i wasn't able to get it out... i had to take the line to the limit...and :( the line got cut...

guys could you give me some tips what to do in case another morina got caught on my line??!?! and stuck inside the rocks??

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp