Mulett Competition.

Started by camkev, November 10, 2008, 20:24:41 CET

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Yes it's true Granitu, Mulett at Mgarr Gozo at least till last April was full abundant over there, but it's a bit of a hassle to go to Gozo.

gaoliath grouper

hey guys im inn too if theres still place.. :)


Have a decision been takem regarding the place and starting time?


i suggest we make a meeting like you did with the boats competition then we decide.

Ejja bigboy u Cankev, we need a place and date to meet so we can discuss further about this event.

the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


If we meet at filfla does it sound good hehehe  ;D  ;D


if you want we can meet in msida like we did in the trolling competition.

Fejnhu l organiser ?????

Btw placebo jien kif dhalt flistorja :P ??


next friday at 7.30 imsida gd??

jst like we did in the trolling competition, nobody seemed to find any difficulty regards time, day and location, so why not do the same this time??

SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


u ejja bigboy minghajrek ma naghmlu xejn...heggu naqra inti lill dak in nofs ras halli namluha ghax hawn hafna gejjin qisu!

the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


mietet jew?? insejtuwha il competition??
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Aw siehbi,difficli biex namluwa l imsida.Tal marina qaluli li ma hemmx postijiet vojta.Ma nafx jekk hemmx xi post iehor tajjeb.Jien ghadni nahseb imma mandiex risposta sissa.
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Namluwa Mxlokk tghid kev ?  Alija xorta l aqwa li ssir ax aw naqa entuzjazmu sabih fuqa !!

Chris  8)


I think M?Xlokk is good place as there is quite a descent stretch for everybody. At the end of the day we can all spend some time fishing & get to know each other. By the looks of things there are quite a few that are interested.

Nahseb hemm tajjeb ghax hemm medda sewwa, u ahna f lahhar min l ahhar mhux biex nghaddu ftit hin flimkien u insiru nafu lill xulxin. U mid derha ghawn ftit mhux hazin min u interessat biex jigi.
Galia 440 outboard 40 Tohatsu

Kaptan Jr

GUys about 3 weeks ago I went for mulett in m xlokk and only caught 2 bubin ;- but if you want to make it there don't worry mates. As tatanka said we gather up for fishing for fun and to know each other also
Katpan 15ft, Cuddy cabin and powered with twin 50hp TLDI Tohatsu outboard engines


jekk mxlokk qed tireferu ghal bicca tal-maghluq, kull ma nista nighdilkom li din is sena kienet veru fqira ghal mullett fejn snin ohra, gieli hadt siegha dis sena imma pjacir imma bil lejl; u xejn ta barra min hawn lanqas. Min  ma certu lanec qed inizlu nases ghax gieli inzertajtom itelahom mimlijin bil bubin u donnu il mullett imdaqqas naqqas sew (ma nafx jekk hux din ir raguni, fil verita).
Gone fishin', be back at dark-thirty!


mulett hemm mxlokk.... nahdem il hdud hemm u narhom jistaduh imma mnaffar wisq ax:
jistaduh bil kupara
jitfaw nases u pariti
fishfarm ta bbugia ma tghinx anqas
allura mulett sabih izomm il barra... infatti narahom hafna jistadu ghal mulett bid dghajjes b rizultati tajbin
Good season so far.....