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Started by bigboy, December 25, 2008, 20:09:27 CET

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Big Boy I have a pair of selfadjust trim tabs which are installed on my boat and they costed me something around LM80. You can find them from a lot of different shops but surely power centre of bir id deheb had them. There was also a cheaper price for a smaller boat too.
Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke


Guys i installed the hydrofoiles to the boat and had it down yesterday morning. After some hassel of having some trouble with the motor we went out to try them. I needed to tilt a bit the motor so as to have the engine running well. They showed incredible lift and increased speed drasticly. We were  people and the boat was showing some good speed.

Now waiting for some good weather to try them out for soime time at trolling speeds to see if they reduce fuel consumption.


Bigboy ahseb u ara kiku ikollok dajsa tamilomla magha il flaps kif tigi itir ee ;) :P

just imagine if u had to attach the flaps directly to it, :)p


tejd ma tarax xi 18 knots kiku :P din botta fahxija kienet eeee lol

ha as if you will make 18 knots :P u pulling my leg LOL


Bigboy which ones did you end up installing? The Nautilus self adjusting or one on the engine?


The ones adjusted to the engine skip. got them from ronnie in gzira. they costed me ?26


Hi guys
You were mentioning yamaha 55hp, and also evinrude 30hp.
Which engine would you recommend as regards, performance and trouble free, and also less consumption onto a 14ft boat.

Thanks for your comments in advance.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


In my opinion a 14 foot boat with a 55hp is a NO NO especially if the boat is not built for that kind of speed.