silvercraft 14 ft

Started by freediver, December 31, 2008, 19:04:54 CET

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hi guy's my boat is for sale it's a silvercraft 14 ft with consoul and 9.9 yamaha it is in very good condition call me on my mob for more info 79494337 or 99994337


want to see picture it is in the marine and boat gallery (silvercraft)


Cant find the pic freediver..would you mind pasting the link in this post. Thanks

Lapsiboy :) :D ;D


i post a picture but it not aploaded yet add me to msn


how can upload a pic on the forum?


freediver your pic still has to be approved probably. Only premium members or someone with a certain amount of posts has their pics approved immediately..
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married !

There is no such thing as too much equipment.


the pic is added now if some one is intearested to see it it's in the marine and boat gallery nAME OF PIC SILVERCRAFT


Mela ha tbieha mark??
Daqs sabih ghas-sajf dik, u ghadha sewwa hafna, bhal ma nafu li tiehu hsieb l-affarijiet int, ma tahlix, u licenzja irhisa.

Behsiebek ghal xi dinghi mdaqqas jew? Jien imhajjar izda il-licenzja taqtali qalbi. Ghandli il-mutur, u zewg karozzi, u dinghi iz-zghir, u biex inzid ..........

Isma jekk trid tista ittella ritratt fil post stess taf!!
kemm tmur fuq il photo u taghmel copy tal-link, imbghad tigi fil post u kemm taghmel paste. Wara ghamel preview u tara li gie ir ritratt.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


iva man qed nara dinghi sabih hafna imma l-ewwel irid nehles mid dajsa ax ma andiex fejn inzomm tnejn u naqa imposibli habba il lecenzji id dajsa ada sewwa hafna u mux antika hi tan 1999 u il mutur xi 2000 yamaha tkun taf bxi hadt kelimni baghira


iva man.
Isma link mhux dik trid ittella biex jigi ir-ritratt.
Sin taht ir-ritratt hemm html link code. dak trid taghmel paste.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



freediver if u had to resize ur picture it would look better