spearfishing with cylinders

Started by charlie, January 20, 2009, 11:02:00 CET

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The real problem is that the autorthies are not inforcing the laws, these guys go diving with boats and when a patrol boat or an ale dingy pass near their anchored boat nothing happens surely ,the police will regonize that they are doing illegal spearfishing,and Baghira beleive me these guys are real professionals the catches that they make are really great


1st.. Is sea urchin picking illegal????

2nd. I know that some guy at zonqor fills tanks for these persons on a daily basis. I have witnessed it personally. Those guys only care for their pockets, and as some others mentioned the gov. does not give a shit....... All the gov. wants is the same thing those persons want................Just money.

See the new speed cameras to be installed. And you beleive that it is being done for driver's safety....Come on....
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


I maybe going a bit out of subject here but spearos with cylinders aren't our only problem as regards to people fishing as a sport/hobby like me. But even boat fishing practically from shore. I mean come on people (for those who have a boat and don't use it adequately!) you have a VERY big sea out there but for some strange reason these people seem to enjoy ruining fishing time for others. Can someone explain this to me. For example just a few days ago I was fishing and a boat stopped in front of me and I can assure you if I was spinning I could catch the man steering the boat.

Some people don't have any respect for others I wish that someday these people meet their match and someone else does the same thing to them!!!


owen in a way you are right that the sea is big and with a boat you can go where you want. but there are some places and some certain fish that to fish for them you have to be close to shore. like barracuda and cervjol and in certain areas like imtahleb for lampuki you have to pass nearly exactly by the rocks. there are also those who use the imrejkba for lampuki. when they are fishing you cant pass near the shore some of them go out more than 300 meters out. so even if you have a boat you cant go always where you want. so if a net is not being used everyone can fish near each other if you are fishing from shore and the other guy is fishing from the boat. the fish chooses the lure or bait so you have the same chances in that same strech of sea.



ok. i can understand that busu. BUT let's say that you are fishing for kahli (don't know it in english). I know that normally the sea has to be a bit rough to fish for them, but there are boats that can withstand rough seas and it passes within 100m from you, do you think that the fish won't be scared.
And to fish for kahli the sea doesn't have to be always rough as a few weeks ago I met with 2 fisherman who were catching nice sized kahli and the sea was motionless, couldn't figure out how they were managing but they did


dw owenbullu, saddle bream (kahli) are not disturbed by boats.  otherwise they won't be caouch by trolling, sometimes with just 30m or even less of line behind the boat
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Actually the kahli is atracted to the prop wash ;)


yes but aren't they easily scared?


they are very curious but still very cunning. they aren't afraid of a boat, but are sometimes scarred by the slightest move of a rod or a thick line
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Last year we caught some very close to the boat,while we were reeling in.And even on thick line!!I think they were very hungry ;)
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Kev dont forget we were using our baby ;)


What type of rixa do you use from the boat can someone help please?

And what spped to you normally cruise


Quote from: baghira on January 22, 2009, 16:39:31 CET
1st.. Is sea urchin picking illegal????

If I am not wrong, sea urchins and shellfish can be picked up, but it's illegal to pickup shellfish and sea urchins from polluted seas (bahar imnigges). Once I saw a notice like this somewhere, if I remeber well. 
If someone is better informed, please post.


Mellieha You can use small lures up tp 5cm, small 3cm spinners, silicon sand eels and also white feathers.

As for speed from 3 - 5 knots