
Started by shanook, February 09, 2009, 15:57:10 CET

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Is it true that Wahoo was caught in the Maltese waters??? I was having a look in Johnathan's website and there is a picture of a wahoo not sure if it was caught here.
IF we start getting wahoo it will be a BLAST as they grow big and a nice fish to catch.


What are the wahoo shanook ?


freeman they are like lizz but longer thicker and i assure u wilder........ they grow in the 6 foot range so quite a fish. Google it or try utube and u will know


Saw some picks, looks a lot like a king mackarel to me. Are they getting frequent around here or I got u wrong ?


shanook, can you share the link to the image please.


Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


No fisheye i was looking for the one in johnathons website. Thanks anyway it was very interesting ;)


Thanks shanook, I hope they migrate to malta and come visit my lure :p.. Theyre very nice game fish and ive heard good eating.


yes very good eating and a prize fish to catch both for power and durability of the combat. I doubt that we will have them here as they are tropical but as everyone knows the climate is changing and we are getting all sorts of fish.......


I wouldn't be surprised if Wahoo come visiting us.....they are very popular in the Florida area, and most fish in that area come to the Med to spawn.
Seabrave 14 e-Tec 50hp