MFF Alongi Competition - Notice of intent to participate

Started by The_Gaffer, April 28, 2009, 14:32:20 CET

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RASCALA 24ft. with DF225 hp SUZUKI v6 4 stroke


If you can't eat it don't kill it.



i want to enjoy the competition but i dont think i will take part on Monday as the wind up to now is still strong and the swell will be strong. If Sunday whole day will be calm then Monday should be ok. If Sunday the wind is still strong, then Monday will not be good to fish. My Opinion of course.
Have fun guys and now u all have a chance to win ?!?!?!?!?! :)P


Of course Sunday will still be strong....have you not seen the forecast???? We could end waiting till mid July for that 'perfect' day. It should be the least of your worries an F3 with a low swell in an 18 foot Kaptan Sway, but of course it's your call.


I was not thinking about myself, You know my boat can take it and more than that, but open smaller boat will find difficulty.


id just like to see Mr fish filming on an open small boat .............that might be fun i might come, just to see that...........


Rather than jump the gun, I think we should wait for the latest forecast at 10.30am tomorrow morning and then take a decision as agreed.



I tend to agree with Shanook here.... Filming will not be so easy :-) Having looked at all forecasts I would go for the 4th as it's a fact that it's been windy all week and tomorrow I'm sure the swell will pick up. On the other hand 2nd and 3rd July forecasts are much milder therefore even if it had to be force 4 on the 4th July, the swell won't be as bad and we can still make it. My 2c worth!
I'd rather be fishing.....


The Gaffer is ok for Monday, Saturday and any other day. With a F4-5 wind the swell will be low. Swell depends mostly on the moon. Last year during the interclubs, we had a swell in the early morning which went to negligible by 8.00am. Still a long call to Saturday 4 July. Next available dates are 11 and 12 July, which is still peak time for alongi.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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19 ft Galeon Galia with 140 hp Tohatsu



Conditions are showing an established Force 4 on the West Coast in the morning from 2am-8am, therefore as per competition rules we are postponing to our backup day. The wind is then forecast to drop to an F3 mostly on the East Coast, but eventually on the West Coast as well.

Postponed to Backup Day 4th July Due to Weather, where currently long range forecasts are showing an excellent weekend.

We are here to enjoy ourselves and not to rock around all day, especially for the smaller boats.


I have attached the latest version of the rules with the Clarifications raised during the Safety Briefing.

Due to the postponement, should a vessel wish to take part in the Competition and you were unable to attend the Safety Briefing, please contact me as you will need to register using a different form and we will need to send you an overview of the safety briefing.

Thanks Skip


Ok I'm in too. Will be me and a friend on my boat. Will call you tomorrow Skip to register.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI