Changes to the forum

Started by skip, December 21, 2009, 07:53:22 CET

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a few days ago i paid 20 euros for a vip member. anything else i should do to conclude the membership? thanks


send a pm to skip, but i'm sure he's tacking care of it already.....
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Sorry guys been without my PC as laying down parquet in office and bedroom. Now that it's done have temp resetup PC to be able to answer mails etc and have access to docs.

(James, just emailed you the memberform now)

Thanks all for your support.


thank you robby and skip. i was in no hurry whatsoever,i just wanted to know if anything else was needed.maybe in the near future we can talk about me giving a helping hand as i have some free time on my hand. thanks once again!


So here are some changes that I've just completed:

1) Guests can no longer read all the topics and see all the boards.
On some they can, on other they can only see the board index and the topic index.
If they see something that interests them, then they can sign up as a regular online member, which will give them 2 days of being able to read everything, and then we'll move them into a restricted category.

2) Gallery is now restricted to Premium/VIP Members only

3) I will in the next day or two be removing Post Based Groups as these no longer serve a purpose. Post based groups are the ones that has Basic Contributor, Seasoned, Veteran etc etc.

The main changes for full partcipation will come in to effect on 1st Jan or when I get back from my New Year's celebrations!


Skip. Jien ili nsegwi ftit il-forums taghkom u titghallem hafna minnhom izda rregistrajt ghall-ewwel darba lbierah ghax ridt xi parir. Issa rrid inhallas xi haga u xi rrid naghmel ezatt?
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


Hi Malvizzu, for the moment no restrictions will affect you until 1st Jan 2010.

You will still be able to ask questions and make posts on the forum for free, but only on certain boards. My intention is not to make people have pay to use/read the forum, but as contribution is low and only certain key members provide the majority of the content, if someone wants full access to read and learn from all areas, then they will need to be a Premium Member. If they don't want full access they can still enjoy the forum but with limited functionality.

Regular Members will only be able to see the boards and topics indexes that they have access to, and in those they can post questions and replies, create new topics etc for free.

You can use the Paypal button here on the right of Windfinder to sign up as a Premium Member:

Read about the membership benefits here:,58.0.html

See an explanation about the membership fee and use the manual form if needed here:,2473.0.html

If anyone signs up using Paypal, I will email them the electronic member registration form.


Skip, can I like to suggest that membership can be paid during our reunion on the 28th?


Certainly, they can download and fill in the form and bring it along with them on the 28th.


Skip I am a bit confused. If I pay directly online through PayPal, why do I have to fill the form and send it? Is it for the membership card purpose?
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


yes malvizzu....... for your particulars and stuff.... ps, welcome!
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Yes that's correct, the online payment takes care of getting the membership fee to us, and we move you straight away to the Premium or VIP category.

The memberform is so we can have all your details in order to produce the membercard where we need ID card number etc which is used to identify you to the sponsors.


Thanks skip. Will make payment in due time.
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP