outboard problems

Started by msell, June 17, 2009, 08:35:26 CET

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I have a problem with my auxiliary outboard suzuki 5hp two stroke. It seems that when i start it it's ok, i take off the choke as soon as it starts. The problem is that when i switch it off and then try again it won't switch.I don't know whats the problem can someone help please?


Sounds like a vapour lock problem once the engine is warm - check the vent screw on the fuel tank........you might want to get your carb serviced/cleaned as it could be the jets are slightly blocked.


iccekja jekk hemmx missjatura fil hoss. jekk ghadek kemm tajtu z zejt ghat 2 stroke ibdel l spark plugs ghax probabli tkun tfajt ftit zejjed u jinharqu. jekk ssib li hemm missjatura fit tfaqqih tal plugs ibdilhom... dak ifisser li spiccat xi wahda minnhom. plugs jaghtu l problemi meta tipprova tistartja u probabilment din hi l problema habib

make sure that there is a common spark sound. if you just mixed the the 2 stroke oil change the plugs probably the problem is that you fouled them.

il carburatur ma jtikx trouble meta tistartja normalment. meta ssuq jaffetwak. qis ukoll li l impeller qed itella ilma sewwa xbin

the carb won't give you trouble when you start the engine. when you put the gear it does though. make sure the impeller is in good condition
Good season so far.....


I have a Mariner 4hp Auxiliary Engine, It wasnt pulling in any water so i changed the impeller, It still didn't want to pull any water. So i took it to a guy who has a garage at ta xbiex near the black pearl and he cleaned out all the pipelines from salt.
Now its just spraying a small amount of water and that small amount that is coming out is quiete warm water...
Is there anything i can do because im starting to give up.
This is the model i have :


I hope i find a solution because when i go a bit out from the shore i always like to be on the safe side.


thanks granitu u skip issa nipprova


It is normal for the water to be warm/hot LapsiBoy. Did you try leaving it for some time and see if the water flow increases. When you increase the throttle does the flow increase?
I'd rather be fishing.....


lapsi, skond kemm ha tuzah. dak il problema l ghandek m hemm xejn x taghmel hlief li tibdel l impeller u s sistema tieghu. pero tippretendix li l ilma ha jkun kiesah bhal ta inboard b pompa tajba. l outboards ikunu jridu ftit ilma shun biex jahdmu sewwa.

in my humble opinion depends on how much you will be using it. the only solution to increase the waterflow is to change the impeller system. don't pretend however that it will be like an inboard system. outboards need some heat to work properly. to important is that it does not over heat. that would be a problem. if the water is steaming, stop it in my opinion.

l mariner qatt ma uzajthom, jien nahdem b yamaha 8hp imma b 4hp mux ha taghmel ghalqa min hemm barra
Good season so far.....


Limportanti li nasal jin granitu mhemx alfejn nigri...
benri, normaly its warm but now its a bit warmer, i tried but still the same amount come out....when i increase the throttle it comes out a bit more but not enough, there isnt a stream of water coming out just spray,
Granitu..is it possible for me to replace the internal water passages because i have a hunch that they are packed with salt..


jekk ma tlahalhux melh ghandek pero il melh kollox jgharraq lapsi. igifieri bk to square 1 ibdel ikollok. li tista tipprova hu li ssib xi virga rqiqa hafna tal bronz u tnaddaf bil mod. tal bronz ghax ikunu flessibli hafna. imbad ixelu fl ilma helu bis salt away u sapun tal platti u hallih idle, kultant tih ftit drive u reverse bla throttle imma ghax taghmel stragi

if you don't rinse away salt, change probably everything is decaying because of salt corrosion. try to find a slim brass and clean gently. brass for flexibility reasons. then switch on and clear in water mixed with saltaway and normal dishwashing detergent. use it on idle, foward and reverse with no throttle.

jekk ttih ftit uzu il mishun ta l ilma jghin hafna lapsi jekk hu qed itella ilma. inkella ibdel ma tmurx tinqabad fuq il bahar. imbad lahlah sewwa bis salt away u s sapun tal platti jghin hafna ukoll.

using it a little bit for a prolonged time helps.
Good season so far.....


Ijwa granitu kul darba li nuzah nistartjah blilma helu u jekk ma nuzahx nistartjah kultant, dan il mutur xtrajtu  minand bnidem u kien ghamel zmien wiqaf u nahseb amel paparata u ma lahalhux, issa niprova nilab naqa mijaw u inhalih naqa starjat uekk,
Jien nahseb jek inhalih bizejjed hin startjaj andu jibda itela naqa ilma ghax il melh jidisolvi mhux ekk??

Salt away min fejn inisib nixtri?


dont leave the engine running alot without exhausting water


Thats exactly why im scared, that the engine will heat............


minn hdejn il garaxx taghna dak lapsi. aka hal tarxien. hu naf li jkollu almenu. isewwi l outboards dan

thallihx ma jtellax ilma lapsi, pero l outboards antiki mux l jtellaw hafna ilma.. l ilma ma jridx ikun jahraq li tismot idejk
Good season so far.....


Le mhux daqsekk jahraq ikun, tisaportih....
Imma xorta ma nafx, tigini expensive hafna biex inbidilu il passagi?
Xbajt nonfoq flus dih dak ax tajtu service u bdiltlu il gaskets kolla u amiltlu kit tal kalburatur uekk..