Call sign

Started by jigging master, August 26, 2009, 17:09:43 CET

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jigging master

I went to buy a VHF portable and because I have registered my boat in the UK, The Maritime authority refused to give me a call sign. Anyone can offer advice ? :-X
Marino Atom 4.5m -Jigging Master powered by 50hp Tohatsu TLDI


Normally the call sign will be either your boat name or your nickname

Destination Sea

Normally the MCA Malta communications authority issues the call sign. ex 9h 1234
it is situated at the waterfront near bov
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20


If your boat is SSR registered (UK) you need to get a UK assigned call sign from OFCOM.

Register as an individual and then you do everything online, including printing your newly assigned call sign and MMSI number (which is done by the system online), along with the Declaration of conformity.

MCA (Malta) will not issue a call sign to a UK registered boat.

jigging master

Thanks a lot skip for your expert advice. Do the local authority accept call sign issued in the UK?
Jigging Master
Marino Atom 4.5m -Jigging Master powered by 50hp Tohatsu TLDI


Once you have a call sign it is used to identify your boat everywhere so local authorities should have no problem. Here in Malta, MCA allocated call signs start 9H for example.


Hi guys

i have the 9h callsign(passed exam for radio amateur) but my VHF's marine bands are locked (by law). sometimes i go at sea with my friends is it legal for me to unlock it while i am at sea.  or else must i do some kind of exam to have the permission to use those bands.



Your 9H call sign is radio amateur based, on the sea they are 9H-1234 ie four digits, I think land based stations have some letters in them....though not sure?

As you've passed a radio operators course, I'm not sure what the legal status would be, but from a safety status I would unlock whilst at sea just in case. There is currently no requirement to have an operators certificate for marine VHF but it might come soon