
Started by jigging master, August 12, 2009, 11:10:14 CET

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jigging master

I caught 2 octopus with a 150g jig from St. Paul's Islands. For a begginner, new boat and rod it is success. This reflects my nickname. Any comments?
Marino Atom 4.5m -Jigging Master powered by 50hp Tohatsu TLDI


did u buy a lottery ticket jigging master if not u should u know...........good luck mate and well done


Well i wouldnt realy call you the jigging master :P
Since jigging isnt meant to catch octopus but maybe u know a nice....Amberjack or Dentex.....:P
But still nice catch.  Super 5 is up to 850,000 Go take a chance mate;)


if ur happy with the octo you could use a hand line with a plastic crab jigging master  :-\
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today

Perla 165

aw min andu 30 nassa lol bix jaqbad erba hehe. gd lck m8 well done :)
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


hi jigging master,you have named yourself before catching any fish.it has been very long now since i posted in this forum.you will be called a jigging master when you have caught at least a dozen good sized dentex and some great amberjacks like some members of this forum did.when i say good sized dentex i mean over 2.5kg cos fish wieghing less should be realesed if possible.but no problem we will call you jigging master just the same if you wish so,but it is much harder than you think......................goodluck
fastfisher 17....yamaha 100detl

jigging master

please advice me on wherabouts on amberjack fishing and what type of jigs to be used 8)
Marino Atom 4.5m -Jigging Master powered by 50hp Tohatsu TLDI


Lol My friend, you know what fishing means? It means to find the fish and catch it.  You cant just ask people where to catch amberjack! 1) amberjack are pelagic fish meaning they always move around and 2) I dont think people are going to stay telling you where to go.
Go try out experiment with different places depths bottoms etc. Search the net for maps anf depth charts.
Bil malti trid tkun shark ;)


Quote from: jigging master on August 12, 2009, 18:57:53 CET
please advice me on wherabouts on amberjack fishing and what type of jigs to be used 8)

Jigs are a matter of preference, can't say there is a particular one that is king like any lure. Match them up to your rod rating and take it from there.

Different jigging styles attract different fish....the long intense stroke, short speed jigging etc....AJs seem to like the long stroke.

Look for drop offs where it goes from say 20m to 50m and jig that spot. As Lapsi said refer to the local charts and then experiment but these fish move around so a good spot today could be an unproductive spot tomorrow.


I got a decent size barracuda on a jig yesterday. Didn't know you could catch them as well.
Seabrave 14 e-Tec 50hp

jigging master

well done ciappinu. Good luck for next time.
jigging master
Marino Atom 4.5m -Jigging Master powered by 50hp Tohatsu TLDI


Quote from: jigging master on August 12, 2009, 11:10:14 CET
I caught 2 octopus with a 150g jig from St. Paul's Islands. For a begginner, new boat and rod it is success. This reflects my nickname. Any comments?
I do appreciate you caught 2 octopus with a 150g jig but this only means that you were not jigging properly my friend , as you could do that with any hook & shiny lure for octopus even a white painted led with a treble hook you can catch them. Not that I am a professional or even so a master , So if I was yourself I would of used a jigging novice not master as Jigging is not that easy to practice you need to learn the technique. Good luck & looking forward to seeing pictures with an amberjack soon. Welcome to the forum!!
Galia 440 outboard 40 Tohatsu


thought i would share this with you guys. today went our jigging and caught 3 amberjack 3kg, 2.5kg and 1.5kg.... being my first time i guess it was a sort of good start jolly hope it is not a beginers luck :-)
A Bad Day Fishing still beats a good day at work...


Excellent start mate and at this time of year a fantastic result too :)

Any pics for us to see :)


Thanks Skip. sorry had no camera but can take a picture of the fish in the dish
A Bad Day Fishing still beats a good day at work...