Boats for sale in Malta

Started by Fisher69, September 16, 2008, 21:24:29 CET

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Hi Guys
As I am spending more and more time in Malta I would like to maybe buy a small cruiser to keep in Malta but can't seem to find many websites selling boats in Malta.
Are the boats for sale in Malta more expensive than they are in the UK?
I have a small cruiser at the moment but it's in Spain if I could find a not too expensive way of getting it to Malta I would bring it over.
I have put my name on the waiting list in the grand harbour marina but I'm sure you guys could suggest other locations I could try and get a yearly mooring.
I will be flying over from my home in Scotland on the 30th of September for two weeks and I hope for the first time I can try a bit of boat fishing.
If any of you guys are ever in Scotland I can give you a few days salmon fishing lol.
I hope someone can help regarding buying a boat in Malta.


Hi vernon, Kenneth (poorcatch) at should be able to help you out. Both with boat sales and shipping etc.

what type of boat are you looking for? Age, size, approx budget


Hi there Vernon , Not sure what your sucess rate was with looking for a boat. Same again not sure if you are looking for new or second hand. There is a few websites that I am aware of which you can propably check out to have an idea on prices etc... is one of the He mainly has brand new boats but sometomes has good offers on previous models etc. Also there is another couple that do have alot of second hand boats all types depends what time of year & Hope this is of any help.
Galia 440 outboard 40 Tohatsu


Hi Vernon, I run a website and have a section where local boat owners advertise their boats for sale, so you get to see a range of second hand boats including full info, photos & also the owners' own contact details in most cases. If you would like more info you can also call me on (+356) 99882615

This is the link:
---- ----
The Website For 2nd Hand Boats


Of course Johnatan , Sorry about that I missed you out I also visited your site several times. And thanks for all the info on your new book (Sajd bir Rixa) very interesting.
Galia 440 outboard 40 Tohatsu


Hi Guys
Many thanks for all the information and I'll have a good look around when I'm over in just over a weeks time and maybe catch up with some of you guys.

Kaptan Jr

 There is a kaptan 14ft barely used with suzuki 9.9hp 4 stroke and well equipped trailer. If someone interested call me on 79856246 or send a pm
Katpan 15ft, Cuddy cabin and powered with twin 50hp TLDI Tohatsu outboard engines


Hi I am new to this website but have now registered, I am the owner of two boats in Scotland which I basically liveaboard, I am now thinking of buying a liveaboard cruiser in Gibraltar but Maltese work collueges say I should visit but they are not fishermen as such.
I work in the oil industry so have quite a bit of free time, summer is great in Scotland but Winters can be long, I obviously could not use a boat year round so it may make sense to share, anybody out there with any advice, it is appreciated, Tight Lines Andy.