Looking for a fishfinder

Started by Jonathan, November 29, 2009, 08:40:29 CET

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been tried thousnads of times but usually in slower moving boats at high speeds dont have the experience. We used to use this method in the lakes.


@ Freedive ...  :) flok hut nahseb ahjar nara kif se nibda naqbad it-tezi forsi nlesti. Imma nsomma, minghajr il-bahar ma noqodx - bilanc ta' kollox trid fil-hajja

@ Shanook, up to what speed would you consider to be slow? If it will read fine up to 6knots I'm more than happy... I don't do much more than that with my boat anyway. I just hope I won't get turbulence or vibrations from the pole which will disturb the reading.  :-\ Time will tell... I'll keep you updated with my progress and the verdict once I get to install the set up and try it on the water
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The Website For 2nd Hand Boats


no 5/6knots should hold. although we used to troll with electric motors so slower than that for sure.
I presume if you keep with the normal does and donts of transducer mounting u will be ok. That is as long as the transducer face is lower by about quarter of an inch below the bracket/pole/wooden beam u are going to use and mounted to have a slight angle forward looking. That the pole doesnt cause any air turbulence in ront of the transducer and as long as the pole is mounted sturdy enough to hold it in place then there shouldnt be any reason not to be able to use it.


Fishfinder installed and worked great. It read bottom & water temperature perfectly. I now need to learn how to interpret the images.

Is there any way of determining the size / type of fish which it will be indicating?
Can you recognise baitfish like lacci / vopi / sawrell from each other?
Or maybe kavalli from kubrit or tumbrell or at least how to recognise these from the smaller fish mentioned above?
Would a fishfinder show klamari?
And is there a way of identifying other fish like lizzijiet / cervjol / accol / plamti / denci /  from each other and from other stuff including those jellyfish which seem to be still be around?!

Are there maybe any tell tale signs? I would think that the depth of returns is one. Maybe another is the number of fish arches returned. Or the strength of the signal return (with red being a stronger return). Am I right in saying these things? Are there any other things to look for?

I'm not referring to the Fish ID symbols here but to the traditional(somewhere I read professional) sonar presentation on screen. Perhaps another idea might be next time I'll go out I'll take a coupe of photos of the screen so we can get a discussion going about interpreting fishfinder images.
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The Website For 2nd Hand Boats