FENKATA 15th Jan 2010

Started by robby017, January 05, 2010, 11:45:21 CET

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trojsi is-sajjied

Jin x'aktarx tarawni nies imma ghandi bzonn lift. L'hemm mill furjana jew il belt u lura lejn Santa Lucija.
X'aktarx l'hemm nirranga xi haga ghax forsi nirkeb tal-linja. Intom x'hin se tiltaqaw ghax jin fis sitta nispicca minn ezami St. Elmo. Insomma jin nixtieq nigi ... u nara nipreparax xi 2 cajtiet bhas-soltu imma did-darba mhux tal-h*** peress li nkunu qed nieklu uekk!! Looking forward nies!!


robby017 x2
rammx    x2
martinb   x1
busumark x2

total: 7
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Jien gej naghti sehmi u int ? :P

Ghal makom mela boys ax provdili lift ir-robby li ma fih xejn :P


robby017 x2
rammx    x2
martinb   x1
busumark x2
big boy x1
TROJSI x1 (avolja jiswa al 100)


robby017 x2
rammx    x2
martinb   x1
busumark x2
bigboy x1
TROJSI x1 (avolja jiswa al 100)

total: 9
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


robby017 x2
rammx    x2
martinb   x1
busumark x2
bigboy x1
camkev x 2
TROJSI x1 (avolja jiswa al 100)

total: 11
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


love rabbit, any idea on cost, dont have problem going up steps, just i come down a little different to most people, any chance of some translations please. ??? ??? ???


as per norm, usually a fenkata would cost between 18-26 euro per head, depends on the place and quality etc.... once we'll have a rough idea of how many we are going to be, i'll call to book and try arrange a fixed price (including starters/main course and desert & some drinks too, (say house wine and water..... but i have to speak it out with the restaurant still), keep in touch for more details.....

re: translations, basically trojsi needs a lift back down to the south of malta and bigboy is coming cos he's getting a lift up with me, and as a thank you he's pulling my leg...... the usual :D
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


robby017 x2
rammx    x2
martinb   x1
busumark x2
bigboy x1
camkev x 2
TROJSI x1 (avolja jiswa al 100)
The_Gaffer x 1 (probably x2)

total: 13
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
       /___ \
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Guys ax ma nergawx namluwa l united bar ?? jew dan fej sejrin ahjar ?


Jien ghand it-tnejn li huma kilt kemm il darba u it-tnejn tajbin il united u il farmers


farmers jamel laham taz zimel jew ?


yes robby tell him about horse meat and see if we can choose


Hi guys, sorry for the delay but just returned from a drastically poor spinning session for squid, 4 hours Al lasta! I'll call tomorrow, and ask re horse meat, let me know what you prefer in the meantime to see what he can prepare for us... @ bigboy, you know me well enough, fejn jidhol l ikel m'hemmx cajt... Don't worry man, Dan tajjeb hafna, went to him more than 5 times for sure! He's definately good and I dare to say cheaper than united, as last visit to united, the bill came to xi €30 per head.
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work